Thursday, December 15, 2005
About Me
- Name: Rachel
- Location: Kentucky, United States
I'm a nature and animal lover. I love to laugh and my glass is always half full! "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (Proverbs 17:22)

I don't blame him. That's Carmen Electra who is kissing him. She's pretty, but she's also pretty wacked out. She married Dennis Rodman for crying out loud! My hubby heard her say a very dirty, unlady-like thing once on TV and he just thinks she's... skanky. I guess Santa knows she is not a nice girl.
I hadn't a clue who she was until you told me! I don't keep up with the TV people anymore. Never heard of her or Dennis Rodman.
Santa is thinking two things. First, he is thinking what if Mrs. Claus hears about this, nothing is happening but she won't believe that. Secondly, who is that with camera - I hope it is not or Cliff or Ralph or Rachel.
Nice one.
I just think Santa has gas..
How about that. I'm naive but it didn't look like a scowling situation to me.
I wouldn't know Carmen if I saw her because I don't watch her. She used to be in Baywatch which I never watched.
I would know Dennis. It was no help Googling 'Carmen Electra kissing Santa,' all I got was "Paris Hilton and Carmen Electra share a kiss at the 2004 MTV Movie awards."
I don't watch MTV either.
This is very funny and also sooo 50's! You know what I mean....Poor (man) Santa...Having to be scared of the very agressive woman...Oh Dear....
Where did you find this wonderful retro picture Rachel? Lol.
I just was resding the comments and I did not know this was Carmen Elektra..that's TODAY! Not the 50's...Lord Help Us. We truly have gone sooooo backwards to that strange conservitive time, when women were "objects" and "bad"..and here it is almost 2006! Is this progress???
I only have heard this woman's name and have never seen her do anything including kissing Madonna...!
That is an odd picture. Santa needs to show a bit more jolly-ness. Maybe he's just tired--lots of work to do, you know!
I believe Santa is thinking of home. It's something about Mrs Clause.
Hmm. The Mrs. Clause just hit me. That's a part of the marriage contract/vows. Nice.
Oh yes, I know Carmen Electra. Sad to say, I watched her and her husband's (Dave Navarro) show of them planning the wedding. Somehow, I got addicted to TIVO and now watch more TV than I should! Of course, this was a couple of years ago. In fact, Sharon Osbourne was a bridesmaid.
if he is anything like most men he is probably thinking... danged camera, my wife is going to see this bimbo hanging on me and i am going to get YELLED at!
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