Today was our annual family get together. I had a wonderful time. We have it at my brother's farm. This is my little great niece. She is 2 years old and cute as pie! I loved this little outfit on her. This is not the best picture and it is of her back, but she is adorable. She loves all things girly; jewelry, purses, shoes, bows and ribbons, and she even gets excited over new panties!!

Everybody brought some food but my nephew here was the one who fried the catfish and hushpuppies. He loves doing it. He was wearing his "SuperDad" shirt.

We played Corn Hole. I had never heard of this game until about 2 weeks ago when I saw a sign about it and someone told me, so this was my first time playing. I got to play several games and I really enjoyed it to the max. I was half way decent at it. Probably beginner's luck. I had to leave before I got to play very much unfortunately. These are two of my nephews.

Everybody brought some food but my nephew here was the one who fried the catfish and hushpuppies. He loves doing it. He was wearing his "SuperDad" shirt.
We played Corn Hole. I had never heard of this game until about 2 weeks ago when I saw a sign about it and someone told me, so this was my first time playing. I got to play several games and I really enjoyed it to the max. I was half way decent at it. Probably beginner's luck. I had to leave before I got to play very much unfortunately. These are two of my nephews.
Sounds like a good time, especially the catfish and hushpuppies. ;D
You're right, that sign speaks the truth, absolutely.
Have a blessed Sunday, Rachel.
GREAT sign. I agree wholeheartedly.
Here's a wonderful video my MIL sent me:
Click Here
Catfish & hushpuppies!!! I'm in HOG heaven!!!
I NEED some of that!!!!
I'm so glad you enjoyed your family reunion.
I have a recipe for Cornhole Casserole that b13 gave me. It's pretty good too.
I just posted by first Blog Church post.
Rev. Jamie Dawn is preaching online!!!!
I want to know more about that game Rachel...What do you do?
It sounds like it was a fabuloys day...All that great food, and everyone being together...Nothing like it, is there? Your little neice looks adorable, even from the!
That is a great great sign, Rachel. Perfect really, and so well said.
More churches need that sign.
That Sunday sign is really true. Catfish - I'm there. Sounds like you had a great time.
What a great sign!
Your little grand niece sounds like a real girly girl for sure..
Is corn hole a board game?
I guess your fall didn't do any permanent damage if you can play that game.
I'm glad you weren't hurt, please becareful out there walking along the road.
Corn Hole game reminds me of 'horshoes' and 'boule.'
There is an association to promote the game, complet with Web site. It also has directions, etc.
I believe its mainstay will be the diversity of its appeal. There should be a lot more kids and ladies playing these than, say pitching horseshoes.
Hello dear Rachel...I'm still smiling from your phone call! hehe I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time at the family reunion...sounds like a lot of fun and food was had:-) That sign is so perfect!! xoxo
Wow, looks like a fun time...I wanna come next year;)
You had the perfect Sunday and the church sign is so fitting.
Your great niece is a cutie-pie, even from the back.
What a wonderful post!
Your get together sounded great!
Your little great niece is adorable!
Catfish and hushpuppies are on the list of foods I miss.
Loved the Sunday sign.
Huggles and Love,
Thanks for your visit Rachel and your encouraging words....! I hope I can work it out, too...It depends on if there will be lots of other people there, besides the cast....When people come here to my house, they KNOW the drill---If they have a little cold or feel like they are getting sick...Well, they don't come.
I have no cobtrol over what I might encounter there in the theatre. There are ALWAYS peoole milling around and especially because it is a "dress" rehearsal there could be more people than usual...We will see.
I sure wish I could put Music on my blog--(Just haven't learned how to do that yet...) Cause I would love for you all to actually hear the song, since the MUSIC is what I wrote, in this case....
I just don't have a clue as to how you do that!
What a cute picture of your little great niece Rachel! Too cute! ~ jb///
Any get together with cat fish and hushpuppies has to be a great get!
Have a great day!
That's a wonderful church sign and a wonderful heart felt video that Jamie Dawn provided the link to.
Your family reunion sounded wonderful and you'll have to tell us about the game cornhole...I've never heard of it.
Your little g-neice is cute, even from the back. I love it when little girls are very girlie. She sounds so sweet.
"BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE" It can't be any truer. God bless our troops.
It looks like you all had a wonderful time. Would you believe I've never had catfish or hush puppies?
I suppose there might be catfish around here in the waters, but I never caught any. I'll have to look up a recipe for hush puppies. I think I might like that.
Your niece's outfit is darling. Love the colors.
Your little neice is adorable, she is the same age as my granddaughter. I'm glad you had so much fun with your family.....
Your sign is very true, I wish more people realizied that.
Excellent Sun. Sign saying!
I've never played "corn hole" either. Glad you had such a good time at your reunion, R! Adorable neice.
now this looks like good old fashioned fun...I love how crearive God was when He designed the family....gotta love those youngins'
Love me some fried fish. Yesiree!!
Life is good, eh Rachel.
glad that you have been having fun while I have been a bad blogger! I think that I am all caught up on your blog! Happy blogversary, I am sorry I missed it! I think that I am comming up on the two year anniversary too, I will have to check. Your family sounds like a great group, the food sounds yummy, too bad we don't have smellavision or tasea vision on the computer!
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