Sunday Church Sign
I haven't been on the computer much in the past day or two. I hope to make the rounds of everyone's blogs soon. My husband's cousin passed away and they had the funeral today with the only viewing prior to the funeral. Viewing started at 11 a.m. and the funeral was at 2 p.m. I went out but didn't stay for the funeral. They had his funeral at the church he belonged to; a little church way out in the country. You don't see many funerals at churches anymore like you use to. He was buried up on the hill in the cemetery beside the church. A really pretty spot I thought. Today was really nice but it was windy. Beautiful blue sky and I noticed a few puffy white clouds as I was driving.
Here is Pup with his favorite toy. He carries it everywhere and holds it in his mouth so much. I think that he thinks it is his baby! If a cat gets close to it he runs and snatches it up he is so afraid that they will touch it!

This is Munchie and I thought she was so cute in this picture. She was on the bed asleep and I loved how she has her paws held like this!

Here is Pup with his favorite toy. He carries it everywhere and holds it in his mouth so much. I think that he thinks it is his baby! If a cat gets close to it he runs and snatches it up he is so afraid that they will touch it!
This is Munchie and I thought she was so cute in this picture. She was on the bed asleep and I loved how she has her paws held like this!
Your dog and your cat are just soooo cute! My cats sleep with their paws like that, too and we always have to stop what we are doing to do the "ahhhh, isn't that cute" thing. I love cats!
I llove these two pictures of Pup and Munchie! Pup is such a good Mommy, isn't he? That has to be the cutest thing, him walking around with that darling toy clenched in his teeth...LOL!
GREAT Sign, Rachel. You really find the BEST Signs.....!
Great photos of Pup and Munchie.
If you hide Pup's toy, I bet he'd roam around looking for it all day.
I agree with Naomi... GREAT sign!!
We had a spring weather day. It was warm and sunny. I know another cold front will be coming before winter is over, but this week is supposed to be mild. I'm going to enjoy it!
I hope you are having a nice weekend.
Love the pictures of Pup and Munchie. My cats often sleep with their paws like that. ;o)
My condolences for your loss. Sounds like a nice place to be put away, though.
Hope your Sunday is a blessed one, and you get some of your favorite Mexican food. ;o)
Love and hugs,
Rachel, I like your sign. Do you tell these people what to put on them? They do sure fit you and your blog!
Is Munchie ever awake? She is dreaming, isn't she?
I had to take Adi's toy away, the doctor thinks that is how she hurt her neck/back the other day, playing too rough.
Adi passed her Pet Partners Therapy Do test again with me with flying colors this morning.
What an adorable picture of your Munchie !
Good Morning Rachel,
It was a beautiful day here yesterday as well. The wind was blowing a bit and it felt a little cooler than the high of 61 degrees, but it was still a nice day. I'm sorry to hear of your husband's cousin passing away. You really don't see alot of funerals in the Churches anymore. My Dad is a Funeral Director and has been since 1959. You dog and cat are so cute. I love how your cat looks lying there with the paws up like that. "THANK YOU" for sharing the pictures of your pets with us. I have finally put up a new post this morning. Hopefully things will get back to normal around here since my DH left for work this morning. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hello Rachel! Sorry to hear about your husband's cousin.
I am glad that Pup is feeling better. It is funny how they find that one toy that is their baby. The picture of Munchie is just adorable. The picture of contentment. As alway's, love your Sunday sign. Have a good day.
Good looking pets but I'd have to grab the toy and hide it just for fun.
Good sign.
Pup and Munchie are sure cute. I appreciate your church sign, too. My church doesn't have one.
The little country church sounds so lovely and peaceful. My condoences for your loss.
Hi Rachel,
I love those pictures of your pets! Both so cute!!
And- yes- the sign is a good one!
You know me...I'm a sucker for cute pet pictures! Munchie looks so cute sleeping like that. PUP and his toy keep him on his toes watching for those cats to get near, hehehe.
You always have the best Sunday Signs.
It seems like your cousin had a nice day for a funeral. His last resting place sounds idyllic. We have a small country Catholic graveyard about a mile from here. It is still used quite often and the service is often in the local church.
I have had the privilege of personally digging the grave for a couple of friends of mine.
So much better than the massive cemetaries in the city.
Thanks, dear Rachel, for your sweet comment....! I enjoy making these ltle videos and talking on them....So I am glad you enjoy looking and listening, too!
I am not sure why there is a sort of fence surround these planters on the nighbors property, unless they think it will keep out unwanyed critters.
Time will tell....!(lol)
Good Morning Rachel,
I'm just dropping by to check on you. I have been watching The Weather Channel and they said that part of Interstate 64 is shut down due to some accidents. They said there is alot of Ice in KY as well. I sure hope it's not in your part. When you have time, stop by. I have 3 Awards for you on my Monday's post. We are under a Winter Storm Warning here until 4:00p.m. this afternoon. I don't really know why because all it's been doing around here is raining since last night. It has been thundering and lightening as well. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Sorry to hear about your husbands cousin. I love the pictures of your dog and cat. Sometimes my cat will sleep like that when she is on the end of our bed. Loved the church sign Rachel.
The Lord can make some beautiful things. Last night while TF and I were driving home from a late doctors appointment, we had just come out of a thunder storm. It was getting late and dark clouds were all around. We looked to the west and could see a beautiful sunset. The sky was slightly blue, there was a cloud and then the sun was just setting. The colors were outstanding. The light from the sun shone orange on the under bellies of the dark clouds. It was a sight to behold.
Sorry about your husbands cousin passing.
It must be so special to have a funeral in the church though.I have never seen that here but the funeral homes sure make a mint.
I love your sign.
What adorable fur babies! :o)
We have one BIG kitty named Ollie.
Sorry about the passing of your hubs' cousin... Sending hugs.
We are in the far eastern part of KY. You?
Hi Rachel....
A Very Happy Valentines Day to you, my dear...! I hope your day is filled with WONDERFUL Chocolate Truffles!
What adorable pets! love the cat sleeping! Have a great Valentines Day
Pilgrim! :o)
Hi Rachel! I was tagged for a meme by Bobbie & Shelly. I have tagged you. We have to list six habits or quirks we have. it wa fun doing it. If you are interesting in doing this meme, go to my blog for the rules.
Well have a good day. Lisa
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