I have two new kittens! These two were dropped off at the farm where I feed the strays every day. There was several new kittens down there and I was trying to tame them. Then they all disappeared. I guess coyotes or foxes get them. Something sure does. Then I go down there and find these two and they are so gentle and tame. Someone has just dropped them off. I decided not to leave them there one night for fear something would get them, so I brought them home with me. A quick check and I decided they were both females, so I was mulling over names. I took them to the vet to be checked out and I had to fill out papers before they were seen. It asked for the names of the pets being seen. I wanted to name them after blogging friends, but which ones???? What to do? What to do? So I wrote down Jamie Dawn and Scarlet. Once I got back in the room and the vet was checking them out he looked at their names and said that the black one was Jamie Dawn and the yellow/white one was Scarlet. I hadn't decided which was which but he said I had written them down that way, so that's how they got their names. Poor things did some yowling as he was examining them, especially JD! Not that I blame them having a thermometer stuck up your behind and all. He did a very through exam I must say. Scarlet has longer hair and he called in an assistant to help him and then he informed me that Scarlet was a male. Oops!! Oh well, I decided not to change the name, so it stands. They are so cute. You know the only thing cuter than a kitten? The answer is two kittens!! I just love to watch them playing. At first they were scared of Pup and would fuzz up and spit at him every time he got within sight. Now they have figured out he is quite harmless and loves them.
Here's Jamie Dawn. Ain't she cute!!!

Here you see Jamie Dawn with her paw around Scarlet. Right after I took this picture Jamie Dawn fell backwards off the porch. It's only about a foot high there so she was fine!!

Here's Jamie Dawn. Ain't she cute!!!

Here you see Jamie Dawn with her paw around Scarlet. Right after I took this picture Jamie Dawn fell backwards off the porch. It's only about a foot high there so she was fine!!

Now please make welcome Nate!!!
He is my great nephew and he is a little over a month old. That's his Mom (my niece) with him there. In the second picture where he's smiling I love how you can see her holding his little hands! We had our family reunion last Saturday and this was the first time I had seen him. He slept a lot but she had him grinning when he was awake!! It was great to visit and see everyone and how much the kids had grown.

He is my great nephew and he is a little over a month old. That's his Mom (my niece) with him there. In the second picture where he's smiling I love how you can see her holding his little hands! We had our family reunion last Saturday and this was the first time I had seen him. He slept a lot but she had him grinning when he was awake!! It was great to visit and see everyone and how much the kids had grown.

Your kitties are precious! And I like their names, ID you are concerned that Scarlet may be offended you could call him Sir Scarlet.
It sure is nice of you to rescue them. You actually saved their lives.
The baby is so sweet too. I love that smile.
You are good to save the kittens. Scarlet is okay for a tomcat after all I had a rooster named Elizabeth. You better keep a close eye on the one named Jamie Dawn cause you know she could be a trouble maker.
Precious babies all -- especially the human one.
You will have lots of fun watching those kittens. I love kittens and wish mine were little. I missed that part of their lives because we got them as adults from the Humane Society. Yours are really cute. Your grand nephew is super cute!
Your nephew is so cute! The kittens are cute to but I prefer your nephew.
Congratulations to these two cute kitties ! They are lucky that you took them in ! Now you can participate in Cats on Tuesday, lol !
Nate is an absolute doll! The kittens are such cute little things. I love the names you gave them especially Jamie Dawn. That is so funny.
Oh those Kittens are adorable , Rachel! Such sweet little people...And I truky dud laugh out loud when you said the Scarlet was a BOY...LOL! Whu not? And I love that you picked names of Bloggers...that is a great idea!
And your little sweet Grand Baby Nephew....So Adorable. That really is the sweetest picture of his mommy hold his little hands!
So I say WELCOME to all three of these WONDEROUS creatures! You have the biggest heart, Rachel....truly...And we all LOVE you for that!
Rachel, such cute kitties. Jamie Dawn and Scarlet are just the perfect names for
Your great grand nephew is adorable too, such and adorable smile. I know you had fun at your family reunion.
Hi Rachel! Congratulations on your new family members. They are adorable and should bring you much joy and laughter.
You great nephew is one handsome boy. With a smile like that, he will be charming the girls in no time. Lisa
Congratulations on all those new additions. They are all so cute. BTW, tom cats go after kittens and kill them because they are "competition." We have that problem here.
Hi Rachel, I am glad you have a couple of new cats. Right now it is looking like these will never make it back to the barn!
You can give Scarlet a nickname, I'd go for Scarl. Or Sir Scarl.
You probably have all your other blogging friends jealous for not using their names.
I've never had a cat named for me.
;-0, ;-)
You great nephew is looking great. I hope he keeps on grinning, it makes going through life a lot easier. Ask me.
BTW, Adi and Katrin's vet died this week. He was a young fellow, we all liked him a lot. I don't think there is another vet who could be so nice.
You saved their lives without a doubt! Our neighborhood has decided that it's the coyotes that are getting folks' cats here too.
Nate sure is a cutie pie!
xo teresa
What a lovely baby and adorable smile!
Congratulations to your two cute kitties!
Get ready for JD to start wondering off on long trips. Sure, she'll send a meow back once in a while but she'll be gone. I think you should soon put a stop to the rolling around in the hay together lest we get a Ralph and a Jerry.
Now about your last blog with the cake. Do you still have my address?
good job.
Precious kittens and even cuter baby boy!
Have a great weekend
Love the kittens, but love the baby ever more.
Okay I am not a pet person. Your new nephew - I could spoil if he lived near me. He is a good looking guy - just waiting for Santa to visit in a month or two.
Oh, we Scarlets are full of all kinds of surprises, aren't we? lol
The kitties are adorable! You did a wonderful thing taking them in right away.
Nate is a cutie pie! Thanks for sharing the pics.
I can't wait to hear more about the adventures of Jamie Dawn and Scarlet. :)
Love the precious kittens and your little nephew is adorable.
Love those little hands and sweet smile :)
All sorts of new arrivals!
The kittens are adorable. (And of course Nate is too.) It's neat that they'll grow up together so they can also play together.
I see JD hasn't checked in yet. Will she be surprised!
Oh my, oh my!!
I now have a namesake who lives in Kentucky with one of my favorite people!!!!
Hey, Granny Annie, I read your comment which suggests that I am a trouble maker and pets named after me will be trouble makers too, also, in addition. That is poppycock! Well, if there's any truth to it, then little kitty JD will really love chocolate truffles!!
JD did NOT like having her bohunkus tampered with! Tell that doc to be more gentle next time.
Scarlet, uh... that's Mr. Scarlet to you.
What adorable kittens!!!!!!!
I'm jealous. I did not blog about it, but we had a kitty for one day. It was a stray (or so we thought) that had been hanging around for awhile. We asked around, and everyone said she was a stray. So, we took her in, named her Isis, and thought she was ours. That night, someone came knocking on our door and asked for THEIR kitten.
Crud!!! That tiny kitten should not have been running around with no collar like that, and she should have been inside until she got bigger.
I miss Isis.
Oh well, next time I'm in Kentucky, I'll stop by to get a look at Jamie Dawn and Scarlet.
Fun post, Rachel!
Stray animals of any kind are LUCKY when they cross your path.
Oh, I forgot to comment on your adorable nephew.
Nate is such a cutie!
My neighbors' granddaughter is due in one week, and I can't WAIT to hold her.
She'll be a "Little-Crook" but I don't care, after all, I'm a Hoodlum.
I hope you are okay, my dear...No Sunday sign...No Subday post..I Worry!
And I hope your two lovely new Kitty's are enjoying their new wonderful loving home! I KNOW you are enjoying them!
Oh my goodness, Rachel!!All these new babies are exciting!
The kittens are both cute as can be!
You're such a caring person to have taken them both in as pets!
That new little boy is precious! :)
Life is beautiful sometimes!
Two new kitties and a great-nephew. Pretty good week, eh?
Now go teach those kitties how to catch a mouse. Mine are catching them left and right.
Rachel, Just wanted to tell you I absolutely love your blog. From reading your blog I know you are a WONDERFUL person.I do TNR for a number of feral colonies in central FL and it makes me happy to come across people like you who feed the cats and picked up two darling kittens. Thank you for saving them.I believe God is smiling down on you!!!
Your kittens and your nephew are all adorable.
What a sweet smile! The only thing cuter than two kittens is Nate!
I love watching kittens play - it's very soothing. We haven't had kittens around in a long while, and all our adults are neutered or spayed, so I hope you'll keep sharing photos of Jamie Dawn and (Mr.?) Scarlet.
Love you, Rachel.
I hope Jamie Dawn is behaving.
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