Ecological Day

Sonia at Leaves of Grass has started a monthly event called Ecological Day where you can post anything relating to the ecology.
Today I have chosen some beautiful flowers. We should take care of the Earth since it's the only one we have and we have abused it far too long. For other participants in Ecological Day, you may go here.

Dear Rachel, what a great pleasure I just have with your participation on Ecological Day! So beautiful your flowers! I totally agree with you, we should take care of the Earth, it is our house!
Thanks so much for join us!
Many hugs!
Hi Rachel, those are gorgeous! Love your Sunday signs. :-)
Good choice. They're beautiful.
Lovely photos of lovely flowers! I love how there are so many different flowers and the ALL look lovely.
Happy Ecological Day!
they are all so pretty... did ou take the photos??? if so good work.
Hi Rachel,
I loved seeing all of Sonia's pictures and yours are great too!
Loved your Sunday signs of course!
I enjoy these pictures, they are wonderful!
Happy Ecological Day!
I love the pictures of flowers. They are all so pretty.
Rachel, você foi a autora das fotos das flores? De qualquer forma parabenizo-a: pela arte e bom gosto.
Oh Rachel, you have such pretty things to save!
We are OK with Gustav, Mrs. Jim has some relatives in bad ways, one's home is fairly well destroyed, most of the others in South Louisiana are without electricy (in the hot) for at least five days they are saying.
And some are unaccounted for right now, we are hoping they evacuated.
I will check the originator's site to see what day of October will be "Ecological Day."
I subscribe to the Tree Hugger Newsletter and am a member of the "Concerned Scientists" group.
Really beautiful flowers. It was very restful to my aching eyes after many hours on the computer today.
Beautiful assortment of flowers! I realize I never take enough photos of nature. You may just have inspired me to do so.
Nice flowers... but you know me and flowers! It is good to get caught up with all my blogging friends - or at least that is the plan for today! Do hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the daffodil smile!
Great photos! And I love the idea of Ecological Day! Good idea!
aww, I love your pics..
Oh these are BEAUTIFUL, Rachel! So very very pretty...And your pictures are stunning!
I told Sonia, I am not good at "sdigning up" for stuff and having to 'post' at these specific times...But, I did---As you know---Post some flowers, myself.
I love the idea of this and maybe I will be able to do it next month....Only time will tell...LOL!
wow...that last picture of the pansies doesn't even look real. very nice!
Lovely flowers. I love the pansies best they have the sweetest faces.
Lovely flowers! God gave us this earth to live on and we should take care of it. I recycle plastic all of the time, every little bit helps.wowxkqu
I agree that we need to care for this great planet we've been given. It's wonderful that we have national parks and vast areas where nature is allowed to thrive, and we can go see it in all its undisturbed glory.
I love seeing the gardens of blog buddies and all their trees and flowers.
The photos you posted are so pretty!
Have a wonderful weekend, and don't forget to stop and smell the roses!!
I'll be back to see your Sunday sign.
I had a buddy once tell me the same thing about helping do our part. He said instead of just throwing beer cans out of the boat it would be better to fill them with water so they'll sink to the bottom. :) Another helpful hint. No charge.
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