Lunch and fun with friends!
The food was good. It started with amber tea (her trademark tea which is a secret recipe!) which is good and coffee if we wanted it. There was salsa but it had various beans and corn in it and it was far better than plain old salsa, and she had the tortilla chips to go with it. Second course was a dill tomato soup which was also good. Then we had pork, asparagus casserole, and some sort of cooked fruit, and rolls. Then dessert was chocolate cake with black walnuts in it and topped with whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate! Yum!

She has the place decorated so pretty!

Afterwards we were trying on some red hats she had and one lady at the other table told us she had a whole bunch of red hats in her van if we wanted one. Of course we did! We went out and she had bought a whole bunch of those red hatters hats for $1 each at Kmart! (They were marked down from almost $11 to $1, so she just bought a bunch of them!). She refused to take money for them. She said they were a blessing for us! How sweet! So we all got hats (I got 2). Then after we left there we were going to the assisted living home to see another lady who broke her hip and is there until she can go home. She is a member of our Sunday School class. We all wore our red hats to see her!! Believe me we attracted some attention!! I took the extra red hat in and we visited and we all took pictures, etc. Then we all went down to the dining room where they have their big tree and had our pictures taken in front of it with all of us wearing our red hats!!
It is an event that I look forward to each year! She has dinners at other times too, so I may not wait until next Christmas before I decide to go again! The place is not that big but she decorates it so nice and it feels so cozy! They have 2 bedrooms that they rent out for overnight guests, and they live upstairs. The lady that owns it is really funny and usually has us cracking up at some of her antics she has done. She told us a great joke today but I'll save it for another time!
Glad you had a good time.
Her house is really decorated nicely..
What a wonderful day for you Rachel. I'm so glad you could go and relax and have a good time. The pics are good but I haven't seen one of you in your red hat yet???
The place looks nice. Festive. Thanks for sharing this Rachel.
Sounds like you had a very special and wonderful Lunch and Afternoon...Isn't great that you all do this each year...A lovely tradition!!! I love the photo's Rachel...
It sounds like you a great time. You're right she has decorated the place up quite nice. Glad you could go and have such a good time.
That's my line when I see people having a good time and it really would be nice to be there too.
Sometimes their cards say 'wish you were here.' We all get some of those and of course the good timers are home by the time we get their cards.
I'm glad you could go and not have to worry for a bit of time about Hubby needing you.
That sounds like such a lovely time. I'l like to see all you ladies in your hats! What fun!
The amber tea sounds yummy and the dessert would have been the highlight for me.
Glad you got out and had some laughs. That tree hanging from the ceiling fan is a hoot.
It's amazing how something small for one person (like giving away red hats) can be so uplifting for others. Sounds like a wonderful day!
Rachel, it sounds like you and your Sunday School class had a great time! I love the Christmas decorations in the B&B. Sometimes, there is nothing like a great afternoon with the 'girls' to have a good laugh and chat!
I'm happy to read you had such a relaxing and fun time! Red is such a cheerful color. I hope you do go back with this group of women other times during the year. It's important to kick back and relax like that. I bet the Nursing Home Residents enjoyed you all to pieces.
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