I have been getting all the seed and flower catalogs in the mail. That always makes me think of spring and putting out a garden. I enjoy working in a garden and it can be a lot of work, but the benefits are well worth it. There's something about planting seeds and then watching them come up. Then when you get to harvest and eat some of those delicious vegetables they are so good! A fresh tomato out of the garden will beat a store bought one all to pieces.
My gardening these days is mostly flower gardening. Any other gardening I try to do the groundhogs eat it all up and it's just not worth it. I really don't have a very good place for a garden either, so it's only a very small one when I do. Good dirt is so important to having things grow well. One of the best fertilizers is in the picture below!
I love that sign and photo! It sure is the best fertilizer for everything!!! Cactus, too...itr's just...the smell....My neighbors were not too thrilled with that! (lol)
Brautiful Gatden Rachel...is that yours?? Soooo very pretty!
Yeah...I'm BACK!!! And I'm soooo tired. But it's a good tired in that I got the whole damn thing finished!!!
Or cow poo. LOL I hate gardening as I can't get anything to grow. So I stick to cutting the grass and leave the gardening to the wife. Have fun - but why wait until spring? Afterall winter is passing us by.
Karen still loves her tomatoes and beans. Mrs. Jim worked hard on that garden.
Would you please come work us a pretty bed like yours. The freeze last December killed all our flowers, the striped grass and weeds are ok.
$2 for horse poo????!!!! Why, that's highway robbery!!!!
Just kidding. What do I know about horse poo? ;o)
I rode a horse to high school for two years. I could tell you. I could get some to show you, we have a lot of horses around here.
That is a nice garden. The fertilizer picture made me laugh.
Don't you just LOVE those seed and garden catalogues, Rachel? My backyard is a Japenese Garden - I have tons of winter clean up to do. I chopped down some ornimental - whew. Winter is a good time to relocate some medium size bushes I need to move, too.
I love your pics, too! Have fun. ;)
ps/ that was ornimental "grasses". Oops.
[Sigh] I can't wait to get back out there and putter in my yard. : )
Two dollars for horse poo - What a steal!!
Fresh tomatoes from a garden are SO yummy. Just hand me a few of those tamatoes & a salt shaker and that's all I need for a good meal.
Is it really nice enough out to garden. We are covered in snow here.
You should follow parades and you could get horse poo for free..
I love the smell of road apples.
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