Pictures from home.

This is a picture that my stepson painted. He was a very gifted and talented guy. We have several of his paintings and drawings.
Unfortunately he passed away last February due to cancer at the young age of 39.
This is a walling hanging that my Aunt did. I love this particular pattern, the Lone Star. So much work goes into sewing all those little tiny pieces together! This one is about 3' x 4'. I think it looks good hanging on the cabin wall!
This is JB living the hard life that she lives. She is very old and can't hear well anymore. She spends alot of time sleeping these days. The rest of the time she spends being a pain in the butt! She likes to open the cabinet doors and poke inside to see what is in there. Naturally she never shuts the doors back! She has been in the family since she was born and she is about 14 now. Here is another picture of her sleeping in the sunlight coming through the window.
Lovely are indeed that is to be treasured forever.
A black cat - how's your luck? Our cat does the same thing and I guess I would if I were a 16 year old cat.
YOur stepson passed away at 39? What kind of cancer did he have? The painting is just lovely, and I am glad that you have it to remember him by.
Pretty painting and wall-hanging. Beautiful...
Awww... JB is so sweet. Elder kitties are wonderful. I hope my cats live so long!
Yoderman - please check your blog for my comment to you.
David - black cats don't cause bad luck!
Miki - He had lymphoma. By the time they found it, it was spread all over pretty much. Radiation and chemo just made it spread more.
How sad that he died so young. His artwork was good. I can hardly draw a stick man, so I appreciate artistic talent in others.
That quilt is gorgeous. I love family made heirlooms.
Hi Rachel, sorry about your stepson, cancer is such a menace to our society.
About Rhodents blog. That was a picture she put up as a blog. And a joke. You were seeing an image from her blog not a warning from your operating system.
It fooled me for a bit too.
Sorry to hear about your stepson.
His art is very good.
I think if I was ever to get a cat a lazy cat would be best..
Beautiful artwork! What a tragedy that your stepson passed away s young! Cancer is ugly!
I also have an old cat. He is about 12 and sleeps quite a bit, but he still has lots of life in him.
Thanks Cliff for shedding some light on Rhodents blog! I looked at it now and it's entirely different than it was when it came up before. It popped up just like a pop up window before. I see she is having computer problems.
Well, I'm glad to know it wasn't my computer!
Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing them.
On the post below: That is so scary! I'm glad he didn't kill her or otherwise physically harm her.
That is really sad about your stepson - he was quite young. At JB's age he deserves to rest!
Mrs. Jim has told her daughter where to put that cat at night. In the laundry room.
She is a nice cat though. We don't even let Adi sleep in our bed when we are there.
About your step-son, how long ago did he die? That is one of the dreads people have, outliving their kids.
I love quilts! Started one about 20 years ago and still haven't finished! lol Actually haven't worked on it in years, I really need to pull it out and finish it. It's a beautiful log cabin design. Machine sewn pieces but quilting by hand. King size. Why in the world I started such a project for my first thing I have no clue!!
What precious memories and beautiful photos. That mountain scene is absolutely gorgeous -- such colors!
Quilts are such a labour of love and your Lone Star is just lovely. So many thousands of little stitches. When I cross-stitch pictures as gifts, it kind of feels like a wee hug with each poke and pull of the needle.
And it goes without saying that the cat pictures are great. Sweet old girl.
I'm sorry to hear about your son's passing... I think the painting is lovely, and that he was such a gifted man. At least we can be comforted by thought that he is home with the Father and is in a much better place now :-)
I enjoyed your posts. God bless...
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