Visiting the Graveyard

Tuesday I went with them out in the country to the graveyard. It's on the side of a hill. This is the view from there. The man that used to live in the brick home you see in the photo just recently died and his is the newest grave out there. He retired and sold the farm and bought a nice home closer to town. Then he got cancer and died. He was only 64.
My sister-in-law fussed and fussed over the flowers. She is far more pickier than I am. She said, "Do they look okay?" We assured her they looked fine but she would go and fuss with them some more. The gnats were buzzing around me like I was pure honey. They bugged the living daylights out of me, even getting in my eyes. I got a branch with some leaves on it to swat at them. Made me think of the animals that have to endure those pesty things and how they use their tails to continually swipe at them, but their face they don't have anything to swish them away with. Poor things! I was so glad to get back in the car and away from them.

That's a beautiful view looking over the hills of Kentucky. I think Ky is one of the prettiest states with all of its forests and lush greenery...I'm always glad to come home to it.
I'm already seeing baskets of flowers adorning graves nearby...the cemetaries are filled with color and that's nice to know that people still remember their families who have passed on as well as the soldiers who have died fighting in wars, defending our country and its freedoms.
It's nice that your family came down to visit.
I love graveyards...There is something so very peaceful about them, isn't there? I sure wouldn't like those gnats though...Not At All! (lol)
Hi Rachel. That hill is pretty steep, isn't it.
Going to cemeteries where relatives and ancesters are burried is special. Sometimes educational, but it just about always gets us thinking back to our roots.
Thanks for writing this. I enjoyed hearing of your little jaunt. Guess your company is gone by now.
Tomorrow I am posting about a post office.
You wrote such a nice article on May 17 about the one you found, maybe you and/or somebody wants to write what they think the one I like may have been through.
I actually really enjoy walking through cemeteries and reading the headstones. I really enjoy old cemeteries. I have visited several in MO, NC, SC and GA.
There is a really interesting one in Savannah, GA that has so much history in it. I learned about some of the people buried there. It really intrigued me.
Some of my dad's family are in a couple of graveyards in MO. It was neat walking through one of them with my 91 year old great-aunt as she told me about these people, my ancestors.
I love graveyards. I always have. I like to walk through them and imagine the people there and their lives. That was one of my favorite things about Scotland too.
Wow. That's a beautiful spot to be laid out. Like something you'd see in the movies.
Well Rachel, I'm glad to hear that you were with relatives and out and about. You went silent for a while and it began to concern me. Nice blog. Thanks.
You're invited too. Please read my post from Thursday. Don't miss the comments. :)
What beautiful views. Like most of your comments I also find cemetaries quiet and peaceful.
Reminds me lots of England. Very beautiful indeed. Thanks for sharing.
Take care xx
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