Enter With A Happy Heart

Sorry I have been away from my blog for a few days but I've been keeping busy here. Haven't had much chance to get on here and keep up with all my blog reading. That is not a good thing! This week we are having revival at church too.
This is a picture of what hangs outside the door as you come in. I found this at a yard sale and thought it was just perfect for that spot. I figured it could apply to my blog as well!
We have been having lots of rain. That sure makes it easier to pull weeds out of the flowers. Of course it makes the ones you miss grow that much faster.
My husband gets more confused all the time. This weekend I got about 3 hours of sleep on Saturday night. I was about ready to pull my hair out. Sunday night he finally slept and the sound of his snoring was a beautiful sound indeed.
Time marches on and I can't believe that it's May already. They say the older you get the faster it goes. Mercy. That is not a good thing either, but it seems to be true, at least in my case, as it's flying by pretty darn quickly! My birthday is this month, the 21st, so that gives everyone time to go ahead and buy my gift! Okay......only kidding!! But to celebrate the occasion everyone can have cake that day, how about that??
From your blogs I can tell you have a happy heart. Even when you are sad about things that have come your way.
I'll have chocolate cake. You were missed here, but I figured you were really caught up in things.
No need to apologize for being away - there are times when we just can't get here - how well I know that.
Glad the husband finally slept so you could get some rest.
We understand that your life is very busy caring for your husband and I'm glad that you finally got some rest when he did.
I like your sign.
Sorry about your husband's woes. Mine has Parkinson's Disease and many other problems. Like you, I am comforted by the snore...when I'm not being kept awake by the snore.
So far, this year has flown by for me. Sometimes, time seems to crawl along, but not lately.
My brother's b-day is the 19th, and my hubby's is the 20th, and my daughter's is the 25th. You're in good company... and so are they!
I'm sorry that dealing with your hubby has been so difficult. You need rest too, and I'm glad he slept which allowed you to rest as well.
"The older you get the faster it goes", is that ever an understatement. You are sure an inspiration! And you and your husband are in my prayers. God bless, Rachel.
What a cute sign :) We've finally been getting some rain, too. I'm so happy! Have a very blessed Wednesday Rachel!
What a great excuse to eat cake! We'll be celebrating on your birthday!
Rachel you have a beautiful web page. I love the sign. Way to cute.
Take care
Take care of yourself Rachel. We're thinking of you and sending best wishes.
I think we should post that sign everywhere! Maybe it would prevent snarkiness?
Well, an early Happy Birthday to you Rachel..the thing is, it WILL be here before you know it! Scary, how time does seem to be galloping away.
Sorry about your husband,,,that has to be very difficult and sad, too...
I want some cake now. I can't wait until your birthday. ;o)
I hope your husband will be all right.
I hope you're getting much more sleep by now. To caregive is hard enough; to caregive on so little sleep worries me about you two.
Your patience and love shines. I dearly hope your husband's confusion spells have lessened and/or stabalized.
Your birthday is even closer as I write this. So is the "food" I've cooked up in my studio. :D
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