Friday, August 18, 2006
About Me
- Name: Rachel
- Location: Kentucky, United States
I'm a nature and animal lover. I love to laugh and my glass is always half full! "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (Proverbs 17:22)

Hi Rachel
Thats what we would call a bog, loo, outdoor lavy, washroom, toilet, brick S**T house. Am I on the right lines? LOL
I really didn't understand what Cliff meant. I think I am being dim but still its been along day. Perhaps you can tell me what he meant. LOL
Take care xx
I remember these (and not fondly)
from camping trips!
Wait till Tammy sees this! She loves outhouses!!!
I've only used one a few times. Dad can tell some great stories about the outhouse.
When I was a wee tiny lass, my Mom was stuck in one because a very angry goose would not let her out. My Dad had to come to her rescue. When they moved and we had running water, what a relief. No geese there.
That one is really rustic. A very nice picture. Is there still a Sears catalog in there?
I have used one or two, but there are just too many spiders for me in there. Can you imagine having to get up in the middle of the night to use one...SCARY.
Have a nice weekend and don't go looking inside that out-house for that Sears & Roebuck cataloge that Jim (above comment) asked you about because you might find a little snake living in there now.
Glad that you didn't give us a tour of this one! It is a "HOUSE" but not one that anyone would live in! HA HA! This one is an oldie, and probably served someone well. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
I have seen this in movies before but never saw an actual one.
Thanks for passing by.
We still have a few of these in our closest national park.
That one doesn't look all that safe. I think I would just go in the bushes, ha,ha..
Hi Rachel:-) Tammy will be thrilled to see that picture!!! lol When I was little we had a little camp with an outhouse at the back of it...gosh I used to hate going in there!! One time there was a snake coiled in one corner...arrrggghhhh!!
Hi Rachel, We had one outback of our house for years. We had indoor plumbing but we would use it when we were in the mud and didn't want to take off our boots. You should go here to read this poem. I found it with google. I had remembered reading it.
Oh I just took the tour of your home but you weren't home. I hope you didn't mind. A lovely place indeed. My wife would never leave if she could live in a log cabin. Thanks for that blog. Great idea. Someday we'll hire a carload of migrant workers to clean the house and then I'll take some pics.
Thankfully, I never had to use one of those on a regular basis. I've had to use an outhouse on several occasions, though, and I did NOT like it!!
I remember once when we were driving in a town in SC and the traffic was all backed up due to some motorcycle gathering. I had to pee sooo badly, and I spotted a public port-a-pottie (outhouse). I was very thankful to use that thing!! It was still pretty gross, though.
By golly it's an out house!
I remember them and thay they smell really bad...
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one
They are not something from the past. I just built one last year alongside the log cabin my son and I built alongside the Temagami River. It is a pleasant place to sit with the door open and watch the river pass.
My fondest memory of privies is the two holer we had at the cottage we summered at. My mother and aunt always went together. I will never understand women and their penchant for companionship in the toilet.
Now I know what the second hole was for. But why did the guys have one.
BTW sometimes I ask a guy at our table if he wants to come to the rr with me. They don't know what to say.
I wouldn't either if they took me up on it.
I remember those and that one looks like it may not have been used in quite a least I hope not! (lol)
Happy Birthday Rachel's Hubby!
I love it Rachel...I have a thing about Outhouses here recently...I even included one on my Blog Tour of my is listed in my sidebar if you would like to go look!
this one looks kind of dangerous off in the weeds like!!
xqdciqxs Hi,
Oh yes! I remember those from my early childhood in Alabama!
I just discovered your blog and find it very interesting! I'll be back to read more.
Visit me if you wish!
Another southern lady-Junie
Hi Rachel - I'm in the I remember them line, too. Not fondly either - particularly on August. If you know what I mean? ;)
It's an out house.
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