Welcome to Our Home
I saw they did a home tour of sorts on another blog I read and the response was HUGE. I thought it was a good idea for a post. So here is mine.
We live in a log cabin, small, about 700-something square feet. Itsy bitsy compared to most of the large homes they build today!! I covered up the name part on the sign out front beside the door, since I don't reveal my last name on my blog, but it says "The ********s Cabin." The little sign below that says to "enter with a happy heart." In the storm door glass you can see a reflection from the neighbor's house.

If you look to the left you see the black cat asleep. That is JB. She is old and can't hear well and is a terrible nuisance but I love her anyway. She is skin and bones these days. She is about 14-15 yrs. old now.

If you look to the right far across the porch you see "Little Bit" laid up in the corner of the porch having a nap.

Next we have the fireplace and at the top is a crosscut saw that my husband put up there.

Then you get a partial view of our small kitchen. My husband always said two people could work in there together but they had to be awfully friendly!! As you can see I am not into the color coordinating and all that. Heck, as long as I can use it, it doesn't matter if it fits with the decor, because I have no real decor so to speak! The cantaloupe has since been sliced and put into the fridge.

Over the front door is a shotgun. My husband said since this was a cabin and folks always kept a shotgun over the front door of a cabin, so it had to be. It is also handy to get to if you want to run someone who is unwelcome off! Teehee!!

This last picture is where I am right now typing away and where I read all your blogs from. Sometimes when I read something funny I laugh out loud! Sometimes I see squirrels and birds outside on the tree. You see I have 2 bottles of water and 2 boxes of Kleenex. I am prepared....in certain ways anyhow!

I hope you enjoyed this small tour of our home! You all come back to visit!
We live in a log cabin, small, about 700-something square feet. Itsy bitsy compared to most of the large homes they build today!! I covered up the name part on the sign out front beside the door, since I don't reveal my last name on my blog, but it says "The ********s Cabin." The little sign below that says to "enter with a happy heart." In the storm door glass you can see a reflection from the neighbor's house.

If you look to the left you see the black cat asleep. That is JB. She is old and can't hear well and is a terrible nuisance but I love her anyway. She is skin and bones these days. She is about 14-15 yrs. old now.

If you look to the right far across the porch you see "Little Bit" laid up in the corner of the porch having a nap.

Next we have the fireplace and at the top is a crosscut saw that my husband put up there.

Then you get a partial view of our small kitchen. My husband always said two people could work in there together but they had to be awfully friendly!! As you can see I am not into the color coordinating and all that. Heck, as long as I can use it, it doesn't matter if it fits with the decor, because I have no real decor so to speak! The cantaloupe has since been sliced and put into the fridge.

Over the front door is a shotgun. My husband said since this was a cabin and folks always kept a shotgun over the front door of a cabin, so it had to be. It is also handy to get to if you want to run someone who is unwelcome off! Teehee!!

This last picture is where I am right now typing away and where I read all your blogs from. Sometimes when I read something funny I laugh out loud! Sometimes I see squirrels and birds outside on the tree. You see I have 2 bottles of water and 2 boxes of Kleenex. I am prepared....in certain ways anyhow!

I hope you enjoyed this small tour of our home! You all come back to visit!
that was too cute. thanks for letting us visit your home!!
I really enjoyed the tour of your cabin! When I did the bloggy tour of homes, I couldn't believe the responses. (something over 80 comments which is s.o.o.o rare for me!!!) I think people just enjoy a peek into other lives!
They are supposedly going to do it again in December with a Christmas tour. You should join in if they do!
What an adorable home! I came here via Tammy's blog...great idea on the 'home tour'...where was the other one you saw?
Oh I did enjoy this tour-visit very very much! I want to see more, my dear Rachel. It was a lot of fun doing that Tur Of Homes and it certainly created a lot of visitors and vica versa, too....I visited many blogs I might never have seen had there been no Tour Of Homes.
Thanks dear Rachel for sharing your sweet cabin with all of us out here in Blogland. (Your kitty's are very dear, btw...)
Love the Cabin! I love your tile backsplash in the kitchen! Did you guys do that yourselves? What a charming home! Thank you for letting us in and giving us a tour!
Nice home! It was nice of you to give us a tour of your home.
I loved the tour of your home, thanks for sharing that!!
What a great spot for your computer desk!
Thanks for the tour. Nice home..
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing parts of your home and I just love that it's a log house, always wanted one of those!!! Beautiful!! The Tour of Homes was fun to do and I was indeed surprised that I ended up with over 100 comments! Good thing I don't have to answer that many on an every day basis!!! lol Take care:-)
Thank you so much for inviting me into your home. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Hi Rachel...Jimmy & I enjoyed the tour of your home and it is indeed quite a lovely log cabin. I have always wanted a log cabin, but it doesn't look like I'll be having one, but I can dream of one anyway. Your kitties are precious and BTW where was PUP? Was he camera shy today?
Sandy :)
Thank you for the tour!
I love it!
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one
Wish you'd post a pic of the whole cabin! We are thinking about building one. (I liked the one you posted earlier!)
Thanks for the tour. I may have to do one of those once I get done with the leaf blower inside.
I can see why the response was huge - this was great! Thanks for the tour...when's the party?
Very nice. I just walked along with you. But I did linger at the computer, not with the computer,but looking outside, trying to think what you might be daydreaming of. I hope more than just your next blog.
Thank you very much.
Oh, I loved the tour. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the tour of your home. What a very cute cabin. Your kitchen looks like a good place to bake some chocolate chip cookies. I like the idea of a shotgun over the front door. You could scare the living daylights out of somebody!!
Your cats have it gooood. I guess you are reading this right now at that nice desk set up that you have. If I made you cry, you are prepared with the tissues. :)
Your house is so lovely Rachael. I loved it.
Thanks for letting us look.
Take care xx
Lovely - and I entered with a happy heart.
Thanks for sharing your home with us.
Rachel my dear, thank you soooo very much for your dear dear comment. You are always so supportive and you make me feel like maybe I'm really OK!
Thanks so very much dear Rachel for your visit and your very sweet comment.
How cool! Thanx!!
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