Do You Remember These???
Do you remember going to the drive-in? The first time I went was with my oldest brother and his wife and my nephew (who was a baby at the time). Seems like we saw something called, "Hillbillies in a Haunted House". I was very fascinated by it all. Hang those speakers on the car window and you could hear what they were saying up on the big screen! Then they had the intermission where everyone went to the concession stands to get Cokes and hotdogs, popcorn, or candy.

If something happened to the movie and it went off then everyone would honk their horns until they got it fixed (like that really sped things up!!). They used to have some cartoons too. There are still a few drive-ins around, but not that many.

I found this picture of a drive-in that I have been too several times. The old Buccaneer drive-in which has been closed now for many years. That is the same one that I sneaked into with my cousin in the trunk of the car that some of you may have read about in one of my previous post! I never did that any more. I still think drive-in's are fun and it's a shame to see them fall by the wayside.

If something happened to the movie and it went off then everyone would honk their horns until they got it fixed (like that really sped things up!!). They used to have some cartoons too. There are still a few drive-ins around, but not that many.

I found this picture of a drive-in that I have been too several times. The old Buccaneer drive-in which has been closed now for many years. That is the same one that I sneaked into with my cousin in the trunk of the car that some of you may have read about in one of my previous post! I never did that any more. I still think drive-in's are fun and it's a shame to see them fall by the wayside.

A nice drive-in post. There is a new generation in this country now who haven't the slightest idea of how those operated.
My generation saw their coming and going.
How many speakers did you rip off (for speakers, that isn't stealing, it is pulling them off when they are in the window and we drive the car away from the post)?
Wow I really want to go to one of those. Those are always in the movies. Way too cool.
We have one in Phoenix somewhere and when it cools down I am going to go and take a peep. I will have to blog about it.
Take care xx
ahhh...those pics of drive-in's are makin me feel all romantical...some great memories of drivin's and I don't remember the movies ;-D
I remember going to the Buccaneer drive-in and taking the kids. It has been closed for a long time now.
I never did sneak into the drive-in in the trunk, but I do think that I conceived one of my children there.*LOL*
In the backseat of a 1957 blue & white chevy.
I wish we still had drive-ins...I would rather go there to see a movie than the theaters. At least you could talk & laugh while you watch the movie and you don't feel like you have to be quiet.
Wow, the Buccaneer, the memories I have of that place. I never snuck in, but I can remember the first and last movies I ever saw there. Good Times, Good Times. :-) There are no drive-ins close to here, but last summer we went almost every weekend. We would go to Winchester or Somerset after the Cruise. Thanks for reminding me of my youth..
Thanks for the memories...
The one I used to go to closed down a long long time ago...
They sold the land and it became a strip mall and grocery store..
They took up a lot of acerage so I imagine the taxes on a drive-in would be through the roof...
It sure was fun to go....
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) huge huggles
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one
I grew up going to drive-in movies, and when my two oldest were little we would go so they could fall asleep when ready. There is still one left in our county, but it is a bit seedy. It really is too bad they couldn't improve upon a good thing... like tiered parking spots or something... around here they did add portable airconditioners after a bit. I guess it is not as profitable as packing a bunch of people into a theater where they can easily move people in and out.
Oh yes, I remember those! We still have one drive-in theatre here that works. It's the only one for miles and miles!
Memories...! I remember that post Rachel, and now I have a good picture of your destination!
I wonder id The Drive-In went the way of 'things past' because of television and things like Surround Sound and Huge screens??
I honestly don't know, because it was such a big thing for so very many years...!
i so remember those speakers that hung on the windows. now the kids if they have drive ins can get the movie thru a certain radio station. we still had drive ins in ohio but when we moved to arizona we haven't found one yet.
The drive in!
My husband and I used to go almost every week when we were dating. Funny I can't remember much about the pictures though! :-)
We still have a drive in site in our town. They just recently sold it for $12 million!!!! (It will be houses!)
Thanks for the trip down memory lane...
I used to see a lot of movies in the 70s at the drive-in. Once I got into an R rated movie when I was fifteen, and driving. My sister and her boyfriend snuck me in to see "Dirty Harry" when I was eleven. Good times.
I've been to them a few times but I sure couldn't drive you to one now.
Good memories, thanks Rachel.
We have an outdoor movie right up the street from us that is still in excellent shape. They have first-run movies all the time and double features of two top films. I didn't go to too many when I was younger, but we did sneak in via the trunk whenever my brother was driving.
I love drive-ins! My favourite drive-in memory is seeing the Muppet Movie. It was my first time at one and I remember it very well.
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