Thanksgiving Eating Plan
I posted this sign back in August and Burger King was needing people that work. (the date on the picture is way wrong).

Now they have this new sign out wanting honest hard working people. I wonder if they hired one that worked but wasn't honest? Sounds like it from the sign doesn't it?
We had our first snow of the season this morning. We had maybe an inch of wet snow. It was gone by noon. I was surprised to see it. No, I didn't get a picture. Lazy me.
I need to cut back on my eating so I can save up for Friday. Friday is when my nephew invited me to his house for Thanksgiving dinner. He is working on Thursday and taking off on Friday so he can have a 3 day weekend. Can't blame him for that. His wife has a 4 day weekend off. She is a great cook! My nephew told me they were having fried bologna. I said that would be fine if he had eggs with it. He said it all depended on whether the hens laid or not. He is a joker, that one!! So I will cut back and then I can eat extra on Thursday and Friday. Thursday I will cook us a smaller Thanksgiving meal here. Don't you think if I cut back now I'll be able to eat more then, to balance things out?

Now they have this new sign out wanting honest hard working people. I wonder if they hired one that worked but wasn't honest? Sounds like it from the sign doesn't it?

I need to cut back on my eating so I can save up for Friday. Friday is when my nephew invited me to his house for Thanksgiving dinner. He is working on Thursday and taking off on Friday so he can have a 3 day weekend. Can't blame him for that. His wife has a 4 day weekend off. She is a great cook! My nephew told me they were having fried bologna. I said that would be fine if he had eggs with it. He said it all depended on whether the hens laid or not. He is a joker, that one!! So I will cut back and then I can eat extra on Thursday and Friday. Thursday I will cook us a smaller Thanksgiving meal here. Don't you think if I cut back now I'll be able to eat more then, to balance things out?
Fried bologna sandwiches used to be a favorite of my Mom's.
I think if you eat in moderation you can enjoy some of each of the holiday treats!
Honest hard working people sound far better than working people. I assume they have raised their wages significantly to get the higher class of worker, ha,ha..
I think if you cut down now you can eat whatever you want..
Don't you wish you could save the room over a period of days???? It would be great. Love the signs, they are too funny. It is frightening that a place of business should have to advertize like that, I too wonder if they hired people who were less than honest but worked! Happy Thanksgiving Rachel, you are a great one!
Lol the new sign they have up does make you wonder! How wonderful that your nephew has invited you over for Thanksgiving dinner...after all the turkey and trimmings, a baloney sandwich would be tempting!!! lol Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend!!
Rachel, You're invited to our place Thursday if you can make it. As a matter of fact, Any thursday is fine.
My Mom fried eggs and put them in fried bologna a lot. I'm with you here. I guess I'm not a picky eater. A good hotdog is about all I need.
I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving Day Rachel.
Oh I almost forgot...I looked up and I was born on a Sunday and Marilyn on a Wednesday. I told her she was a child full of woe. She said well that explains a lot. ( I caught her in a bad mood)
"No it's not what you think" I told her, "It just means you were going to own horses." And turns out that was right.
I love fried tastes like fried hot dogs, my favorite. If you served fried hot dogs for Thanksgiving, I'd be happy...but I don't like all beef hot dogs.
I'm glad you're going to your nephews for'll be fun.
That's the sign they should have had out in the first place...maybe they could have passed over the dishonest hard working person. *LOL*
Yum Yum Pigs Bum!!!!!
You enjoy your two Thanksgiving.
Take care xx
That fried balogna sounds good. I like with scrambled eggs and hash browns, all smothered with ketchup.
Mrs. Jim is cooking for twelve of her relatives who are coming from Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Oklahoma, mostly to see Mema who is in skilled nursing now.
We will have fried possum and chittlings to please the hillbillies from Tennessee and Kentucky. Maybe grits too for the others.
I have three hot dogs left for me.
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