Catching Up
Things here have been back to normal with my husband. He got over his UTI and is doing well; as well as he was before this that is. He is confined to a hospital bed and is total care 24/7. I don't really talk about it much on here. He has been like that for over 5 years, after having had two strokes. So we are used to Home Health coming out and the VA nurses, and the VA doctor even comes here to the house to see him. He is on their Homebound Program, which I think is wonderful. They have been super nice to me and him in every way possible and they do anything they can to help me. The last time the Doctor was out (she is a Nurse Practitioner), she told me that he is one of their success stories. I often use Comfort Keepers to sit with him when I go somewhere, and these people are all good to have to help me when I need it, and all this enables me to keep him here at home, where he wants to be, where I want him to be, and where he gets good care. It's just not the same in a nursing home. So I will keep him here as long as I'm able to.
I have been trying to declutter and that is such a chore for me. I have lots of clutter! Our church is having an auction/yard sale coming up next month, so I have been looking for things to give to that cause. The money will go towards paying off some additional land that they recently purchased. This will be held at a local park, and not at the church. I have rounded up several things so far to donate. Sometimes I take things to Goodwill. There's also a thrift store that is run by a church and I take things there too. They have built a home for people who are recovering from addictions of all kinds. So far they have the home for the men completed. Later they will build one for women. So I think this is all good to help them out, since they are trying to reach out and help others.
Fall is in the air and the leaves are changing colors and falling. It'll soon be that dreaded leaf raking time. You all may recall that is one chore I do not care for! But things are so pretty right now. Folks are set up different places around the area selling Mums and I just love Mums! I got 4 pretty ones today. I couldn't believe how cheap they were. These are good size Mums and they were 4 for $20! Three covered the back seat and one went beside me in the front seat. The smell in the car was wonderful! I never realized how good they smell until I was all up close and personal with them in the car! This guy has lots of them and he sets up in an area by the mall. I hadn't stopped before because I figured they'd be much higher than that. Wow, was I surprised and a very nice surprise at that! This tree is located downtown. One side had turned such a pretty orange, but the other side was pretty much still green.

Pup had a birthday on the 18th and he turned 13! That's fairly old for a dog I guess. I can sure tell he's getting older. He doesn't hear as well anymore. Sometimes I can get out of bed and he never wakes up. Sometimes when I come home after being gone somewhere he'll be asleep and never wake up until I go and wake him up. Back in his younger days you could never sneak out of bed without him knowing or come in the house without him knowing. On his birthday I took him to the drive-thru at Culver's and got him a Cheeseburger, plain of course. I took him to a little park that is beside the road a few miles from the house. By then the burger had cooled enough to let him eat it, and I gave him half of it. Then I let him wander around the park (there was no one there) for about 20 minutes. Then I had some water for him and then I drove home and tried to keep it slower than usual, so he could let the wind blow in his face and let his ears blow in the wind. Dogs like that sort of thing! That night I gave him the other half of the burger. So I guess he had a good birthday. No cake, but I think to a dog a cheeseburger would definitely be better! Ain't he cute?

Next week is Halloween and I'm going to do my level best to get a post up!! So come back for that!! In the meantime, I hope everyone is doing great!!!
I have been trying to declutter and that is such a chore for me. I have lots of clutter! Our church is having an auction/yard sale coming up next month, so I have been looking for things to give to that cause. The money will go towards paying off some additional land that they recently purchased. This will be held at a local park, and not at the church. I have rounded up several things so far to donate. Sometimes I take things to Goodwill. There's also a thrift store that is run by a church and I take things there too. They have built a home for people who are recovering from addictions of all kinds. So far they have the home for the men completed. Later they will build one for women. So I think this is all good to help them out, since they are trying to reach out and help others.
Fall is in the air and the leaves are changing colors and falling. It'll soon be that dreaded leaf raking time. You all may recall that is one chore I do not care for! But things are so pretty right now. Folks are set up different places around the area selling Mums and I just love Mums! I got 4 pretty ones today. I couldn't believe how cheap they were. These are good size Mums and they were 4 for $20! Three covered the back seat and one went beside me in the front seat. The smell in the car was wonderful! I never realized how good they smell until I was all up close and personal with them in the car! This guy has lots of them and he sets up in an area by the mall. I hadn't stopped before because I figured they'd be much higher than that. Wow, was I surprised and a very nice surprise at that! This tree is located downtown. One side had turned such a pretty orange, but the other side was pretty much still green.
Pup had a birthday on the 18th and he turned 13! That's fairly old for a dog I guess. I can sure tell he's getting older. He doesn't hear as well anymore. Sometimes I can get out of bed and he never wakes up. Sometimes when I come home after being gone somewhere he'll be asleep and never wake up until I go and wake him up. Back in his younger days you could never sneak out of bed without him knowing or come in the house without him knowing. On his birthday I took him to the drive-thru at Culver's and got him a Cheeseburger, plain of course. I took him to a little park that is beside the road a few miles from the house. By then the burger had cooled enough to let him eat it, and I gave him half of it. Then I let him wander around the park (there was no one there) for about 20 minutes. Then I had some water for him and then I drove home and tried to keep it slower than usual, so he could let the wind blow in his face and let his ears blow in the wind. Dogs like that sort of thing! That night I gave him the other half of the burger. So I guess he had a good birthday. No cake, but I think to a dog a cheeseburger would definitely be better! Ain't he cute?
Next week is Halloween and I'm going to do my level best to get a post up!! So come back for that!! In the meantime, I hope everyone is doing great!!!
Great post Rachel. It is always good to hear from you and get caught up. I am happy your husband is back to the routine I know that is always easier for both of you.
Pup doesn't look much bigger than a hamburger. I can see why you had to make two meals out of it for him. LOL
Love the church sign. How very appropriate.
Hi Rachel, Your mums sound wonderful. I have one bunch in my yard that comes back every year. Any others I plant never seem to come back. Pup is so cute. Glad to hear your husband is back and doing well. Great sign. I hope you got some rain recently. It is so dry here. They say maybe tonight. I hope so. I have lots of leaves in my yard already. Have a good week.
Hi Rachel, I'm glad you got those mums. Glad too for the Home Health. What would we do without people like that?
Pup is 13! Happy Birthday, Pup!
Adi was 14 this fall. She had bad arthritis and walks on three legs a lot of the time now. We haven't gone visiting at the assisted living home since she got that bad.
I know she misses it and the folks are missing her. ;)
Your sign tells it like it is!
I'm glad you have help with your husband. These people can't possible realize how appreciated they are.
Good news that he is doing better.
Your pup is so cute!!! He doesn't look 13.
My two Yorkies keep me company. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Beautiful fall tree shot Rachel! ~ jb///
HI dear Rachel...You must have posted right after I was here to see if you posted! (lol)....Time has a way of just flitting by these days. So glad to know your Husband has recovered from that infection...And it's wonderful to know he has such good care from the VA....I understand him wanting to be home and to be able to stay at home for as long as possible. You are a wonderful loving wife, dear Rachel...
And, a VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to dear Pup! What a grand day he had! I believe you are right about that Hambueger being as good if not better than cake to a dog...!
I bet those Mums are GORGEOUS! And they certanly were reasonable!
Things seem very slow in Blogland...And I have not been getting around as much as I had before. Life gets in the way, sometimes, doesn't it?
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, my dear....I hope you have a great day and not too many Trick Or Treaters...No one comes here anymore, which is fine with me....! (lol)
The night is dark
and the goblins are out,
and the witches and black cats
are prowling about.
And costumed creatures
the strangest I've seen,
are knocking on doors
'cause tonight's Halloween!
Happy Halloween dear Rachel! I'm so glad to hear that your hubby is better now and how wonderful that he gets such good care from the doctor and nurses at home. Sounds like you've been busy...decluttering is not for the weak of heart! lol My house is a mess right now with the renovations going on in the living room, I have furniture piled up everywhere in the bedrooms. Pup is such a darling and no doubt he really enjoyed that cheeseburger for his birthday:-) xoxo
You are so good to your pets Rachel. Pup is a very handsome dog and I'm sure he loved his cheeseburger and his visit to the park.
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