Jerry from Back Home Again was passing through KY today and he stopped and we ate lunch together at Backyard Burgers. It was so nice to see him again! He asked me if I knew anywhere to get a bale of hay from. I told him that the farm where I feed the cats every day had some baled hay in the hayloft and the owner, Homer, might part with a bale. After eating he followed me over to Homer's and we asked him. He followed us over to the barn and he wanted to climb up in the hayloft too. He is 84. When he tried to go up the stairway to the loft it was blocked by hay. I guess some had fallen down from where it was stacked. Jerry, being the young and nimble fellow he is, just climbed onto the tractor, which was parked in the barn, and on up into the hayloft and then unblocked the stairs. Jerry found a nice bale of hay and tossed it down. Here's Jerry getting ready to toss that bale down. Homer got up the steps okay but then when he tried to come down he decided he had better scoot down on his butt. He sat down as far as he could and then fell on his behind and his legs went up in the air! Too bad I didn't have my camera handy at that moment! He was okay and then started scooting down. The he got the seat of his pants caught on a nail and had to back up! He finally managed to get down and I was grateful for that!

As a last stop I took Jerry over here to see the lake. There was this boat hanging there. It wasn't going anywhere, so I'm not sure if they fished it out of the lake or what. It kinda did look like that. Maybe the salvage truck hadn't arrived to pick it up yet?? That is the big skimmer thing that they use to clean up the lake with.
As a last stop I took Jerry over here to see the lake. There was this boat hanging there. It wasn't going anywhere, so I'm not sure if they fished it out of the lake or what. It kinda did look like that. Maybe the salvage truck hadn't arrived to pick it up yet?? That is the big skimmer thing that they use to clean up the lake with.
Jerry headed on south with his trunk holding a bale of straw and a bale of hay. It was jammed in there too with no room to spare. You might wonder why he had a bale of straw and wanted a bale of hay to go with it? Well, he explained it to me, but I guess he'll probably blog about it, so I'll let him tell you!
At any rate I really enjoyed his visit and I'm glad I was able to help him find a bale of hay!
My goodness. Homer sure went through a lot for one bale of hay!! I hope the nail didn't get more than his britches. That could really hurt!
I'm glad he didn't get hurt so we can laugh about it without guilt. I can really visualize it. The nail, ha! Haven't we all had that happen. I'll have to go visit Jerry's blog to see what the bale of hay was for. Everything from a pig, a donkey, or a garden has gone through my mind.
So glad you had a terrific visit with him! Yes, I sure wish you had your camera at the tumble moment, but you described a clear picture. I just love seeing him talking to Homer. Glad he's okay.
I visited Jerry's blog via your link but he hasn't posted anything about his plans for the hay and straw.
Glad y'all got to visit a while. I've met one of my blog buddies and talked by phone and exchanged cards and gifts with several. It's always nice to meet someone or talk to them and put a face/voice with the mental image you have of them.
Have a great weekend, Rachel!
Love and hugs,
Jerry hasn't posted anything about the bales of hay & straw yet. Maybe it was for a hayride.
Oh my gosh, I hate it when that happens getting your britches hung up on a nail. I hope it didn't hurt Homer.
I am unfamiliar with Jerry...I will have to check out his blog...
How nice that he stopped by and hat you all had some lunch together.
And how great that you could help him out with his "Hay Need" (Not unlike HaySeed, but different....lol)
It's so nice that you get to visit with blog friends. I'm hoping to get together with some of my Ohio blog friends soon!
Have a great day!
Sounds like everyone had a great time. I have to admit - I am curious as to why Jerry needs hay and straw.
Glad you had some fun Rachel
That is the most interesting story about obtaining a bale of hay I have ever heard. I used to know a guy named Homer. He passed away a couple of months ago and he, too, was in his 80s. A wonderful man!
My allergies are so bad right now that I sneezed at least 25 times as I was reading about Jerry and Homer in the hayloft. Not easy to do when you're laughing!
Jerry explained to the whole hay/straw thing to me too, but it didn't sink in-- I think he was taking it show someone the difference.
Great photographs!
Your visit with Jerry was certainly eventful.
I like hearing about Homer trying to climb up and down that ladder. What a trooper!!
I'm glad Jerry was able to get what he wanted.
We have Backyard Burger here too. I like their Hawaiian Chicken sandwich. Yummmy! Now, I'm hungry for one!!!
Someone at the local farmers market recently told me that my chickens would like a bale of hay to pick at in their courtyard. Bought the hay, but the hens pretty much ignore it! Didn't have as much trouble getting my hay as your friend did, tho!
don't you just love chatting to blog neighbors in person!
Thanks for getting me the bale of hay. It was a big hit. I changed clothes into my bibs and farmer's cap and explained to the city slickers the difference between hay and straw.
Homer is an absolute hoot!
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