I nominated Ralph for Sexiest Male Blogger. This is a picture of Ralph in his blue rollers.
Does he not look sexy? How can anyone think otherwise?
He has made me his campaign manager. I am honored. I have never had a position like this before but try I will. I will work diligently to get him elected. However, it does seem that it will be a tough race. If it were not an internet campaign we could go door to door and sip sweet tea and eat cake with the folks. Since it's a blogger campaign then I must get the word out here.

You can see from these pictures that Ralph has accomplished many amazing feats! Here he is practicing shooting and not once did he accidently shoot anyone else. He also fought off a bear to save his lovely wife Char from harm, putting himself in danger.

Here he is in a cornfield. The picture was taken on the Cliff Morrow Farm on July 3rd. He is showing that it truly was knee high by the fourth of July. He is also doing some work with the tractor too. In these picture ladies, (and gents

This is a man who loves beef jerky. He loves his family and is a true friend to so many. Being the most sexy doesn't necessarily have to mean the man who has the 6 pack abs and a bodybuilder figure. Look inside the man.
You can vote once a day through April 6 at
Best of Blogger . I urge one and all to consider Ralph for this position and cast your vote for him. Do it now. Don't put it off. Time is of the essence. (You might forget if you put it off). Go now and cast your vote for the one who is deserving. It just takes a couple of seconds to cast your vote. My blogging friends, I urge deep into your hearts, look over these pictures, and now! Vote for Ralph!!
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Okay, I did.
Seems as if he has a great sense of humor.
Nicely done Rachel. I can see we are going to have some fun with this over the next week.
OK...I voted. But he is waaaaaaay behind. Better start campaigning harder!
Just dropped by to let you know I was on the road quite a bit this morning. But during all that drive time I came up with some great (well, maybe good) campaign ideas. I'll be updating my blog daily until this is over. Might not win but hey - let's have some fun.
Every vote counts.
I went over and voted for Ralph too.
I read his post and it was hilarious...what man in his right mind would ever let anyone take pictures of him in curlers? A real man in my book.
I posted a link to Ralph's blog in the comments over at Old Hoss's place, so that Hoss could get a look at the competition.
The battle is on!!
This is fun!!
Rachel, you are doing a fine job.
HI Rachel, just getting caught up on your blog, sorry I have been a BAD girl, not stopping by the way I used to.....things a little too nuts here in Miki land! Now that things are getting back to "normal" I can keep up. hee are a few things fromme to you: 1. Loved your funny pictures of road signs, they were too cute and funny at the same time. 2. if I get the chance will go and vote for Ralph, you are a great campaign manager! 3. Sorry that you had "trouble" last week, hope everything is all settled out with your hubby. Check the comment section for a comment from me, but give me a few to get one there. 4. Missed your great posts while I was occupied, they make me laugh remember and feel all at the same time. You are a great writer!
This is a great post. Sorry the pics had to be of Ralph, but you work with what you've got.
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