This is how our dog loves to lay. But at night he lays on the bed beside me with his feet stuck up in the air while he snores! He is a Shih Tzu and my buddy. They are a very smart dog and make an excellent house dog. Ours loves everyone but he's not overly fond of children. I watch him pretty close with them. He has snapped at my greatneice before. She did have him by the tail pulling him backwards at the time, so that might explain that! I'd be snapping too in that situation! If I had a tail that is. His hair is getting long and tomorrow he goes for his grooming! He'll feel better after that.

There are a few of these fish around town. I just happened to see this one at Sumerset Houseboats and I thought it was so pretty. The picture doesn't do it justice. It looked like it had pieces of mirrors on it and it really shined brightly all over, more like you can see at the bottom. I guess it was the bad picture taker!
These last few days have been busier than usual for me. My sister in law and her husband came in from Indiana. She stayed with my hubby while I went out. The first day was cold and wet. I went and got our taxes done. Then on Wednesday it was so pretty and I called a friend I used to work with and we got together and had lunch! That was great to visit with her. Then we went out for some shopping and I really enjoyed the day. I stopped at Haney's Apple Farm and got some of their fried apple pies to send home with my husband's sister. Those fried pies are really good. It's really nice of my SIL to come in like that and stay with him so I can take a break. She is a really sweet person though and always doing good deeds for others. What a blessing she is!
My dog is a mut and she likes laying down like that too. When she lies down she in on her back with her feet sticking straight up in the air. She looks so funny. Glad you had a good time this week.
I love that picture of the dog. dogs are so funny...I love them to pieces.
Glad you got some out time! You need a break once in a while, and what a great "SISTER" to come and stay with your hubby, so that you could! You too are lucky to have an excellent support system like that. Rachel, I hope that you take care of yourself too and that you DO take the time that you can for YOU! It is a necessary thing, this I know!
Glad you got out to blow some stink off. You deserve a breather.
Love your doggie..A perfect subject for photographs! I would have snapped to, by gum, if soneone was pulling my tail!
The Apple pies are Fried? How do they do that Rachel? Sounds terrific! I'm so glad you had a break, too, my dear...It feels so good, doesn't it?
I'm going to email you about the Cactus and Succulants..I'm sure you will be able to have some things in pots there...and they respond very well to no water and benign neglect! (lol)
Your doggy sounds very lovable...I like a dog that sleeps with me.
Great to have family that are willing to help out sometimes...Sounds like you enjoyed the break and the company.
I just past by Haney's Appledale Farm and if I would have known they sold fried apple pies I would have stopped...We usually drive to Liberty (or West Liberty?) to buy fried apple pies from the Amish.
Thanks...this might be closer and we venture towards Somerset all the time anyway.
Your dog is just lovely! I'd sit like that too, if I only could.
So are the fish all over town a temporary thing? We had a "Cow Parade" in our Capital, Harrisburg, PA. It was so much fun. The cows were then auctioned off for a charity.
Your SIL is a blessing indeed.
Hi Rachel! You dog is so cute. I love shih tzus. I have westies. They are in dire need of a haircut, too. I'm glad you got to have lunch with your friend. It was nice of your sil to sit with your hubby so you could go. Praying you have a very blessed weekend!!
We had a dog like that when I was a kid and he laid the same way. My lab does too.
Glad to hear you got to get away for a bit. That was sooo nice of your SIL.
Six of the dogs that Marilyn groomed today, were Shih Tzu's. They all live in the same town and I think 4 of them are litter mates so she has to be very careful about returning the right dog to the right house.
Years ago she made a mistake on one and went back to ask if they had the right dog. The people said they were just talking how the grooming changed their dogs personality. It was almost like it wasn't the same dog. (because it wasn't)
We have had two Shiz Tsu's over the years. They are the prettiest and most loving dogs we've ever had! ~ jb///
So cute your little buddy! He looks so comfortable and confident!
Have a nice weekend!
Glad you got out for awhile. Our dog lays the same way. I tried it once it was not comfortable at all.
Thanks for coming by my blog...I LOVE my new toys, though I know I'll get bored soon. I love your cute doggie especially cause he's just in a picture.
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