It's Over. Time to Celebrate!

Well, the Sexiest Male Blogger voting is over. Thanks so much to everyone who voted for
Ralph. He ran a good race and we had fun with it. Thanks to Cliff for being such a great PR guy for Ralph. From what I can tell at Best of Blogger Ralph came in 2nd place, which is really great. He has well over 100 votes. So give yourself a pat on the back Ralph. You done good!!
Thanks again to all who voted. You folks are such a great bunch of blogging pals.
Here's one more picture of Ralph that I stole from Cliff's site. I'm sure it was funny man Cliff that wrote these words on the picture. So there's goes the 2nd place sexy male blogger riding off into the sunset to buy Preparation H. You go Ralph. You go!!
Preparation H users are sexy indeed.
Rachel, you did a good job for Ralph.
If he is second place, that means if the first place guy is unable to do his duties, Ralph will have to take over the crown.
Rachel & Cliff,
Great job on the campaign.
You're a good sport.
Never though about that JD!! Wonder what "taking over the crown" could mean for Ralph?? Intereting.....
Congratulations Ralph. You done good. I shall post your picture in my box for a week in celebration.
The Lumpy
Hi Rachel! I hope the bad storms miss you, too. It got real cloudy here all of the sudden--looks like it might rain on us, too. Have a great weekend!!
Having Ralph take over as sexy, is quite a stretch.
Why do I have the words of "I Did It My Way" running though my mind?
You did a good job Rachel.
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