In my last post I wrote about my Dad and how he loved to whittle on red cedar. Here are some pictures of his sticks. That pointy one that you could pick your teeth with! He would whittle them down to where they were so sharp like that! Then we found these ones below after he passed away. No doubt he had in mind to make something. The 3 of them was all there was.

This one had a little knot there so he poked it out and made it look like a bird of some sort.

In the last picture you see where he drew a picture. He was no artist for certain. I'd say the animal was probably what he called a "gillywhomper."
I loved that last entry. My father works with wood also... not wittling, but had a wood shop and makes furniture for the family. Anyway, that was a cool entry.
Wonderful follow up on the previous post. I enjoyed the pictures and hearing a little more. Thanks
Have a great weekend!
Great pics. I just love that word 'gillywhomper' - it could mean any thing. I think I will so a search on it and see if anything turns up.
What a cool hobby..
Glad you put up the pictures. Those are really cool (and potentially deadly) sticks.
So glad you posted some pictures of your Dad's "sticks"..that first one is truly lethel looking, isn't it? Scewing the liver, I believe, yes? (lol) I love seeing these things made with such love, Rachel....Love the drawing on that one, as well....!
So glad you posted some pictures of your Dad's "sticks"..that first one is truly lethel looking, isn't it? Scewing the liver, I believe, yes? (lol) I love seeing these things made with such love, Rachel....Love the drawing on that one, as well....!
I bet those sticks make you misty eyed sometimes.
My Gramillo made me a bookmark when she was really ill with cancer. All it is is a few strands of yarn with some paper on the end with designs drawn on it. Every so often, I get that bookmark out and just hold it. I get all teary eyed. That bookmark is a treasure to me, just like those sticks are to you.
Thanks for sharing photos of the sticks.
Maybe he was saying gullywhomper.
The second picture show the legs he carved for a three legged milk stool.
I loved your entries about your Dad. I found your blog through Dav's. My older son likes to collect sticks and whittle them. I will show him the pictures in your entry. Thanks for sharing the pics and some of your most wonderful memories:)
What great memories you have of your Dad! I think it is so cool that you have the pictures of his drawings, do you have anoy of the actual ones? that would be something to pass down, it would be great for future generations to have to remember your Dad!
Thanks for your visit dear Rachel and your very very sweet comment! You are always so supportve...I thank you with all my heart, my dear!
Great wood photos. Yes, your dad was too an artist. Anybody who can do that while whittling is an artist!
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