Cozy Winter
If you click on these photos to make them bigger you can see just how hard it was snowing yesterday. It was so beautiful to watch. We didn't get a lot, maybe 2 inches but it was a wet snow and is melting quite a bit today. The road was slushy and slick. I did not venture out all day long.

Munchie is such a sweet cat. Each night she gets up beside me and lays her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and she just looks up at me with her beautiful eyes. Of course Pup is here too and if she gets too close to him he can get a bit grouchy with her. The older he gets the more grouchy he gets. He is 13 now. Poor little guy. He can't hear very well anymore, and he seems to sleep more. He sure is a sweetie though. He's always been such a good little dog.
Hey Rachel! The snow is certainly beautiful when it is coming down...just as long as it melts right away! Not the case here in West Michigan where I am longing for a bit of spring!
I'm tired of the snow and cold, but it surely has been beautiful.
We ended up with 11.6". That's the most for one storm this season.
Love the pictures of the pets. So cute.
Rachel, love the pictures especially the one of you with your cat. I am surprised our weather has been so mild (knock-on-wood)because last year we had almost the same day-to-day weather you had. We have had snow but nothing like the rest of the country is having.
Your pictures are pretty but I would rather look at the snow in a photo from now on. I bought seeds today at Walmart. I was so excited to see they had them on the shelf. It made me feel like spring is near. You have the cutest animals, too. Have a good weekend.
Glad to hear that snow is melting fast. You know how I love snow.
Ya know Rachel, getting old and getting grouchy seem to go hand in hand. I should know.
The snow pics are so pretty! And the kitty is too cute!
Pup's little face is adorable. I think we all get more grouchy with age. Our hearing goes, so that is annoying, and our body aches, and that is annoying. Pup is just plain annoyed all the time, I guess.
Those really are pretty, wintry pics. I'm glad you did not venture out!
I'm wondering if Jamie Dawn kitty is still around, or it she ran away or kicked the bucket or some other fate has befallen her? You can let me know next time you visit my blog or FB page.
It's been gray, gray, gray here in the UK.
Hey, that rhymed!
The UK is quite gray and wet and cold. Not my kind of weather. I am starving for some warmth and sunshine. Hope you get some warmth and sunshine soon too!!
Great pics... precious babies.
Soon it will be spring and you can send pictures of your flowers!
Beautiful snow scenes but I know just about everyone is weary of winter by now. I sure am and we don't even get snow- but we have had a lot of COLD!
Glad you're not going out when the weather is that bad!
Love your animal pictures. I too was wondering if your kitty Jamie Dawn was still around-also the mate to that one...whose name I can't remember!
OH, Yah-I forgot to say I love the one of you and the kitty! You look pretty- so does the kitty! :)
Oh Rachel....Munchie is so very dear and of course, so is Pup....I love that she gets so cozy with you and with dear Pup, too....It is hard when they get to be older, isn't it? I hope he will be around for many more years to come, my dear...Such a sweet picture of them together, AND, such a very very dear picture of you and Munchie....You look GREAT, my dear....!
Thanks so much for your very dear words on my blog....I'm glad I got on that plane, too! And, indeed, WHERE did those fifty years go....?
GREAT pictures of that snow....My Lord, it was snowing hard...But it looks so very pretty, as long as you are!
Rachel, Love your pictures of Pup and of Munchie, I think they are sweet to allow one another near each other. We have a kitty that comes to visit. He belongs to a neighbor, but has sort of adopted us. He visits once in a while, less so now in the winter, great cat and friendly with the kids...He is ours when he is here, but is a free spirit and comes and goes as he pleases!
Hope all the snow is gone for you now, I am hoping for a mass melt here!
Rachel, Love your pictures of Pup and of Munchie, I think they are sweet to allow one another near each other. We have a kitty that comes to visit. He belongs to a neighbor, but has sort of adopted us. He visits once in a while, less so now in the winter, great cat and friendly with the kids...He is ours when he is here, but is a free spirit and comes and goes as he pleases!
Hope all the snow is gone for you now, I am hoping for a mass melt here!
I love the pictures. The one of you & kitty is just precious.
Thank you dear Rachel for your very sweet and caring words about Betty...It is a tough time for so very many of us who loved her so much--And that's just about Everybody! I don't know how I am going to get through this as the weeks and months go on---that is going to be the really hard hard time--It Was Ever Thus, I'm sorry to say. Too many losses recently--but this is the hardest.
One of my five cats joins my Great Dane and Heidi in bed at night. She is picked on by the other cats so I guess we are her protectors.
My dog Heidi has taken to sleeping along my back sharing my pillow. We certainly are the odd couple.
I love that picture of you and Munchie :)
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