Saturday, March 03, 2012

Crazy Wild Weather

Well the news is sad after all those tornadoes yesterday. We were very fortunate to have the storms miss us here;  well we did have storms but nothing bad at all. We didn't even get any hail here and my niece's car in Richmond, KY was damaged by the golf ball size hail they had. I think some people here had hail damage too with the strong storms that moved through the northern part of the county. I was on my toes yesterday and watching the radar. I had the Weather Channel on but my best info is looking at the radar on the computer and you can enlarge it and zoom right in on where the worse part of the storm is. I usually then just use my own judgement. The tornado sirens went off twice yesterday evening. The sky was black and very ominous looking.

Speaking of those tornado sirens, the one we hear is located probably just over a mile or so from us at the fire department. Our pastor has one almost right across the street from him. I can only imagine how loud that would be! Last Wednesday we also had kind of the same weather pattern, just not as bad, and there was a tornado in the northern part of the county that blew down a barn, some roofs off homes, lots of trees down, etc. He said when the sirens went off that day that it scared their little dog so bad she peed on the rug. His little dog is a miniature Shih-Tzu and she is getting up in age. Poor thing!

I had a call from my sister in law earlier today. A guy that has worked with my brother for years lost both parents in a tornado yesterday evening in Laurel County (London, KY). London is about 30 miles from here and I think they lived out in the county in a mobile home. That is so sad. I think there was 5 killed in that county.

So I feel very fortunate that we were spared any of that and my heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones, the injured, and the ones who lost homes.  Hope all my blog friends and their families are safe too.


Blogger Granny Annie said...

I am so glad you are checking in. It immediately crossed my mind that you could be in the tornado path. Happy that you, or other Kentucky friends and family are okay. So sad for those who must deal with the destruction.

4:01 AM  
Blogger Cliff said...

Good to have you check in Rachel. It must be quite a concern for you and your hubby.
I heard them say we have already lost almost as many people nation wide as we normally do for the entire tornado season.

4:40 AM  
Blogger Cheyenne said...

I watch the news and see all those areas of this country that have been devastated by these terrible storms and I cry for them. I complain about ice and snow, but that is silly when I think of what those people are going through.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

I'm glad your survived and are safe, Rachel. It must have been terribly scary.

Right away I thought of you. I also thought of my BIL who lives in Milan, Tenn, right north of Jackson.

We watch the 'Dopler' weather her on our computer also.

Hang in there as this seems to be the start of a rough spring.

7:22 AM  
Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

So glad you are safe, too, dear Rachel....I could not get on The Nest all weekend--Really from late Friday night, till just about 40 minutes ago....I wondered about you and quite a few other people, too.....Be Safe dear Rachel.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

It seems that you and I are always in the paths of the latest storms, so when I hear about tornado warnings I always check your area to see how it is affecting you as well as where my brother in Tenn lives. We live in a line that has shifted from the west to a more easterly path right over our areas lately. I have another brother in Western Kentucky who usually I am very worried about because he lives in what they call tornado alley.
Glad that all of us are okay, but I feel terrible for those who lost their lives, their homes and who were injured. God bless them all.

10:51 AM  
Blogger TN said...

Hi Rachel,I'm glad you are OK. The tornados were all around us here in East TN, but thank God no damage here. A very scary time!

3:00 PM  
Blogger Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I live at the northern extreme of the range of tornados. We do not get them here often. The last one that caused serious damage was in 1972 and it passed though the town about 10 mile from here. I am convinced this is a good place to live in that we get very few dramatic weather events. They get more snow north and south of where I actually live. The last hurricane that reached Ontario was in 1954. It left a lasting impression on Toronto. I am glad to not have the worry of dangerous weather and other damaging events. I have no interest in living on the West Coast, particularly California.

I while back you commented on the book about tree planting I was reading. I finished it and really enjoyed it. Of course, it is about more than tree planting. Here is an article about the author and the book.

7:27 AM  
Blogger 4evergapeach said...

Glad to hear all is well with you! Yes, this weather IS crazy! Awfully early for storms of this strength. We also had a tornado F-3 touch down just north of me here in Michigan. A lot of damage but thankfully no one was seriously hurt. Amazing when you see the damage. I hope to be stopping by a little more often, I have truly missed my blog friends!

12:23 PM  

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