Happy 4th to Everyone!!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Sounds like folks around here did. Last night there was a fireworks show right below us here on the lake. The lake has been busy and the weather has been hot, so a perfect weekend to be on the lake. The newspaper said they were expecting $350,000 visitors to the area this weekend. Gee, I wonder if anyone counted.....
Tonight they had the fireworks show at the drive in, which is almost a mile from us, so I could see them from the porch as well. It is nice to be able to see them just by sitting on the porch.
I'm sure that we will continue to hear bangs as the week goes by as people continue to use up their fireworks. If only I had the money folks have spent on fireworks and booze this weekend. I'm sure I could fly all my blogging friends to one location and we could all meet and have a great mini vacation, all at my expense of course. Wouldn't that be fun!!
I haven't gotten any pictures yet from the barn where I've been feeding the cats. I did go climb up in the hayloft. There is a dead possum up there, just his poor old bones with some dried hide on it and the tail. I wonder how it got up there? I wonder if it got up there and then got sick and died? Surely no one would toss it up there. A mystery to me. But I guess I won't spend too much time trying to figure it out! I will take my neighbor with me so she can take some pictures of me in the hayloft, hopefully sometime this week.
Today I went to my nephew's house to share in the festivities for my great neices' birthday. Her birthday is the 4th but they had it today since her Dad works out of town and will be gone. They had a great meal with steaks and chicken cooked on the grill. I did take a photo of the food! She got roller skates plus some other things, but the roller skates were the big thrill for her! She will be 9. Isn't her cake pretty? Her Mom made that. She is a good cook and can decorate those cakes too. Happy 4th everyone! Let freedom ring!!
Tonight they had the fireworks show at the drive in, which is almost a mile from us, so I could see them from the porch as well. It is nice to be able to see them just by sitting on the porch.
I'm sure that we will continue to hear bangs as the week goes by as people continue to use up their fireworks. If only I had the money folks have spent on fireworks and booze this weekend. I'm sure I could fly all my blogging friends to one location and we could all meet and have a great mini vacation, all at my expense of course. Wouldn't that be fun!!
I haven't gotten any pictures yet from the barn where I've been feeding the cats. I did go climb up in the hayloft. There is a dead possum up there, just his poor old bones with some dried hide on it and the tail. I wonder how it got up there? I wonder if it got up there and then got sick and died? Surely no one would toss it up there. A mystery to me. But I guess I won't spend too much time trying to figure it out! I will take my neighbor with me so she can take some pictures of me in the hayloft, hopefully sometime this week.
Today I went to my nephew's house to share in the festivities for my great neices' birthday. Her birthday is the 4th but they had it today since her Dad works out of town and will be gone. They had a great meal with steaks and chicken cooked on the grill. I did take a photo of the food! She got roller skates plus some other things, but the roller skates were the big thrill for her! She will be 9. Isn't her cake pretty? Her Mom made that. She is a good cook and can decorate those cakes too. Happy 4th everyone! Let freedom ring!!

I'm glad lots of other people are celebrating Birthdays and The 4th of Juky!
BEAUTIFUL Cake Rachel...very 4th of July, isn't it? I love that you saw all kinds of wonderful Fireworks...I should be able to see them on the 4th...if it isn't too overcast...
Happy 4th to you too! It sure sounds exciting where you are. I haven’t seen any fireworks here yet. There are some firecrackers and bottle rockets that have been escalating the past few days. 350,000 people, Wow!
It would be so awesome if we could all together and have a mini vacation. What a wonderful thought. Fireworks are expensive.
I wish I could have come to the barn with you. That would have been so cool. Just hearing you talk about it is neat. I can recall the wonderful smell of hay and straw. Yuck on the dead possum. Maybe he got bailed up and was dead a long time ago.
Happy 9th Birthday to you great niece! That looks like a nice spread there. *grabs a few deviled eggs from the plate on my way out. I love those.
Enjoy your 4th!
(=':'=) meow hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one
She really does make cakes! That was one good job. Looks like food is delicious.
Thanks for dropping by.
WOW! SHE SHOULD OPEN A BUSINESS! That cake is beautiful, and I would bet delicious. Sounds like a great time was had by all. At 9 the rolllerskates are the hit of any kids party! Have a happy and safe day on the 4th, enjoy the fireworks displays, they are great.
I get to see the tax man on the 4th.
They're having some kind of 'American Billiards' party down the road.
I think I'll stay in and call the folks back home.
Happy 4th to you, Rachel. I hope you guys will really enjoy this patriotic holiday.
We will go to Karen and Billy's for supper tomorrow. May see a parade tomorrow, maybe not. Just street fireworks, they are legal in Katy, Texas.
That cake looks GREAT! I'll take a piece, please. :)
I do wish we could all get together for a blog buddy gathering. What fun it would be.
I'll supply the truffles.
Have a nice July 4th. I hope there's more pretty fireworks for you to see from your porch.
Birthday cake is my downfall...I love the corner piece, as you can tell by my photo.
That mini bloggers vacation sounds great...when do we leave? *S*
Becareful up in that barn loft. You just never know about rotten loose boards. Good thing your neighbor is going with you next time for that photo shoot...We'll be waiting for the pictures.
That cake doesn't have corners...(weeping incessantly).
Happy Independence Day Rachel! Stay safe :)
Happy 9th Birthday to your great niece, Rachel!
And I wish to you a Happy Independence Day!
Happy Birthday America, Happy 4th of July!!!
I hope you all enjoy your Celebrations!
Happy 9th Birthday to your great niece, Rachel!
And I wish to you a Happy Independence Day!
Happy Birthday America, Happy 4th of July!!!
I hope you all enjoy your Celebrations!
Happy 4th!
Happy Belated 4th!
Sounds like you had a great fourth. We have the same issue with firework - the week before and the week after the fourth are hard to sleep. Count me in on the vacation idea.
Happy belated 4th to you, Rachel. I was on vacation.
In fact, I liked being gone so much, I'm leaving again tomorrow for four days.
I'm getting tired...
The cake was VERY VERY Yummy and I am still eating my way to waddling down the street like a Big Duck! (lol)
I found your site through Sandy's (Abandoned in Pasadena)blog. I just wanted to say I enjoy reading your posts.
Have a nice day.
Mama Bear
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