Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Memory

Wow, over a month since I last posted. Each day I say "Oh, I'll get a post up today." Then the day passes and it doesn't happen. Next thing you know over a month has gone by. That's kind of how it is with me losing weight;  "Oh, I'll start my diet tomorrow!" Tomorrow comes and then I say the same thing over again. And so it goes!

I just love these barns with the nice quilt patterns on them. There are lots of them around and I think they sure do brighten things up. In the top photo it had just came a rain shower and was still sprinkling and not the best photo. Harder to see the log cabin quilt pattern on the top but you should be able to click on them and enlarge the photos.

I was thinking today about  a car my brother had when he was a young man. He bought a new 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner. His was green...kind of  a grassy green color. He sure loved that car and it was pretty. I drove it a few times but we lived way back in the country and when you met another car you had to get over to pass and he'd have a fit if a tree limb or the weeds raked against it. No, I was never allowed to drive it without  him being along! I did love the Roadrunner beep-beep horn it had. I remember my Dad was riding with him and when they were at a stop light, Dad warned him not to take off too fast. When the light changed to green my brother took off so fast that it threw my Dad's cap off his head and into the back seat!! I was thinking about that today and couldn't help but laugh.  This photo below I found online. I don't have any photos of my brother's car.


Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

A sweet and funny memory, my dear Rachel....
I LOVE the Quilrs being on the sides of those Barns...It sure does make them look very pretty...Are there more? Would love to see more pictures of them.
So glad you Posted, once again...I miss your posts, a lot!

8:45 PM  
Blogger Granny Annie said...

Very happy to see you post. You are missed when you stay away. Love barns and love car stories. It is funny how young people are always dreaming of the type of car they will buy and then when the time comes and they have no money, they are satisfied with anything that moves them into some sense of freedom. Boys especially can turn a junker into a dream-mobile.

3:34 AM  
Blogger Mountain Mama said...

Loved the story about your dad's hat flying into the back seat. Your brother had a heavy foot I think. LOL I had two sons so I can relate.
The Road runner sounds like it was a really pretty car. I love green.

I gotta say that seeing the quilt pattern on the barn makes me want to make a new quilt, but it's such a messy job. Maybe this winter.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I am pleased you are back posting. I was afraid you had joined the list of my former blogging friends. It seems keeping a blog runs it's course and people stop after a while.

I was never a car buff but I do remember our first car, which was ten years old when my father got it. It was a green 1942 Chevy. It claim to fame for me was that it had a three note horn you could play a tune on.

5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:33 AM  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

I am glad you post, dear Rachel!
It's so good to remember such sweet and funny events on our life, isn't?
Great barnes's photos. Love them.

About losing weight, I did the same. Lol!

I hope you have a nice week ahead.

9:39 AM  
Blogger Cliff said...

She's Alive!!
Glad you're back. Good ol cars indeed. A few of my well to do friends had them. There were three of them at college. Green, and two orange ones. All pretty hot.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memories! Where’s your brother now? I can sense that you miss your brother so much that’s why you are reminiscing about the memories you had together. My brother and I used to drive at night just to unwind and talk about some personal things. I’m one lucky girl to have a brother like him.

-Sara Anthony

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Carry Demaggio said...

“I was thinking about that today and couldn't help but laugh.”--- Haha! There are those car moments that we just can’t forget. Before, you’d really think of it as one of the craziest things you ever did in your life. But, as time goes by, you will just look back and have a good laugh about it. :D Horrible turned into hilarious moments!

4:28 AM  
Blogger Stelle said...

It looks to me like your brother is a big prankster. =) I remember that car. The Roadrunner had plenty of torque, had a spacious interior – enough to hold 6 people – and was pretty good for off-road driving for a medium-built car. Surely, your brother had a lot of adventures with it!

Stelle Courney

10:25 AM  
Blogger Aryan Smith said...

It seems keeping a blog runs it's course and people stop after a while.
Storage Sheds Hollywood FL

2:20 AM  

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