Oh my it's been so long since I posted. Blogger has changed things since the last time I posted, so we'll have to see how this goes.
I've come this close to writing a post so many times, but seems something always came up to distract me; too tired, nothing to blog about, not enough time, too tired, watching something on TV, my husband needed me, too tired, the dog needed to go out.....well....you get the picture.
Now here I am in a Mardi Gras mask. Hiding my face definitely makes me look better!! I do like the colors of this mask, and even though you can't really tell it here very well, I did have a purple/pinkish hat on too. I still have the hat but the mask fell into the claws of the cat who then dropped it on the floor to the dog who chewed all the feathers out of it.

I wish there were lots of exciting things to tell you about, but alas...just a couple. Let's see....I did take a trip to London (Kentucky, not England) awhile back, with some other 'seniors' from our church. This was a senior event with workshops, singers, speakers, etc. It was quite enjoyable and I'm glad I went. I went to a Chinese cooking class and enjoyed that very much. It was so interesting to hear our cook/instructor, who is Chinese, tell about how she met her husband, and also about the way people cook here. She said Chinese restaurants here are 20% authentic and 80% not, as far as cooking like the Chinese really do. However, some restaurants vary in that. She had a Wok and she put some safflower oil in it and then garlic cloves, and then she added sliced up cabbage along with a little bit of soy sauce and sea salt. Afterwards we all got to sample it and it was quite tasty! She then cooked some spinach the same way, which was also yummy.
As for meeting her husband, they met via the internet and he flew to Shanghai, China to meet her. She said he was absolutely scared to death being in that huge airport with so many people around and him not able to speak a word of Chinese! He is from the Eastern hills of KY and I just cannot imagine the cultural shock for both of them. They have been married a few years with children, so it's working out well. She was very sweet.
I also took a Body Recall workshop. It was informative and showed me how out of shape I am! We did chair exercises and you might thing they'd be easy and nothing to it. Wrong!!! It was truly a workout and you felt the impact of slow slow slow movements of the body. I think I really need to do this one. It's hard to slow down and exercise slow, at least for me it is. She emphasized doing the exercises slow and doing the deep breathing, etc.
I also took a day trip to Clarksville, IN to the Derby Dinner Playhouse where we saw "Happy Days." It was a musical and was based on the TV show. They were all so good in their parts, and really good singers. They also did some dancing. The lunch was buffet and yummy. After the play we got dropped off at a huge Lousiville mall for 2 hours of shopping! I wandered around some and saw stores that I had never heard of before! The mall was so big there was no way to cover it in 2 hours. I bought a couple of small items but nothing major. This trip was with a group with one of the banks I have an account with.
I thought some of you might like to see how the corn is growing in these parts. I just took this a few days ago
and if you click on the photo it should enlarge. We have been getting rain today and it rained all last night, so this corn probably has already grown a couple more inches!
Well, my eyes are getting heavy and my bed is calling my name, For all the Mother's out there, I hope you had a wonderful, blessed Happy Mother's Day!!