Friday, December 31, 2010


Another year ending and a new one beginning. Hard to believe it will soon be 2011. They say times flies when you're having fun, so I must be having a ball............

My wishes for your new year:

H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A ngels to watch over you
R embrances of happy years!

"Author is Unknown to Me."

Saturday, December 25, 2010


We had a white Christmas. This is the road that I live on. It was very pretty with the snow sticking to the trees.

I went to my nephew's house today for Christmas and this is all they would give me to eat. Can you believe that?? all honesty, I actually I had LOTS more than this, but this little guy was almost too cute to eat! Easy to make with a cherry dipped in chocolate, add a Hershey kiss for the head, and slivered almonds for ears, and give it a couple of eyes, and ....presto...a cute little mouse!!! A mouse adorned each cupcake!

This is their pretty tree.

I had a very nice Christmas visiting with everyone. I hope everyone out there in Blogland had a great Christmas too!

Sunday Sign
(Now I felt like it should be a Christmas sign, but this one fits our church because our pastor left on vacation today!)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Iced Over

Sunday, December 12, 2010

If We Make it Through December

"If we make it through December
Everythings gonna be all right I know
It's the coldest time of winter
And I shivver when I see the fallin snow"

I thought of the lyrics to this song today as I was watching the snow falling. It does make me shivver some too, especially out sweeping off the front porch with the snow blowing back at me with each sweep. I gave that up as a hopeless effort. What I really dread more is the cold wind and colder weather that is behind this snow. Not looking forward to that. December is not usually our coldest time of winter but those lyrics seemed appropriate for today.
Is everyone ready for Christmas? It'll be here before we know it. I think I'm about as ready as I'll ever be, other than mailing out my Christmas cards.
Not much going on around here but the usual things. I hope all my blogger friends are doing well and keeping warm!


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