I am feeling much better today, thankfully. I thought I'd post so you all would know that I am still among the living. I got out of bed today without yelling one time from the pain. I had that bug before with the diarrhea and vomiting at the same time, and I must have pulled something in my side with all the retching I did. Turning over in bed was horrible and sneezing was the worse. Sneezing nearly took my breath away. Just bending, sitting, getting up, anything like that caused intense pain in my side.We are having a rainy day. The leaves are falling very fast now. 
This picture is on the way to our house.
Yesterday the neighbor's dog got hit by a car. I was saddened by this but not surprised. This dog has dug out from under the fence so many times. I have put him back up and carried rocks and covered his holes on several occasions. The last time was 10 o'clock at night and I was out there in my pj's with a flashlight. The dog had dug a huge hole and I had to carry several big rocks to cover it. They have part of a rock fence in their back yard so there's plenty of rocks. I have left them notes on their door telling them about the dog being out and my putting him up. Sunday night the dog was out again. I had vowed that I wasn't going to put him up anymore. He was a big dog but still a pup. Very friendly but could knock you over by jumping on you! He has jumped on me before and bruised my leg. One day he ran past me when I opened the door. He ran into my bedroom and got on the bed and got one of Pup's toys and took it with him and went out. He carried off my shoes that I kept on the porch to wear outside. I found one but not the other. He carries everything he can find off and chews it up. He has chewed their drain pipes off, the dryer duct off, and he even chewed stuff off the heating unit and it had to be worked on. They finally put concrete blocks around it. They had lattice around the back of their house and he has chewed most of it off. Their back yard is a total mess with all the stuff he has carried around and chewed on.
Sunday I put the dog up again. Then later he was right back out and they were home. I went over there and knocked on the door and told him that the dog was out again. He said, "I don't know why he keeps getting out and I'm getting tired of it." I told him that I was tired of it too, and how I had carried rocks and covered so many holes he had dug. He went in to get shoes on and the dog came running up on the porch, so when he opened the door he let the dog inside. Then he slammed the door. He never said anything to me, like thank you for letting me know, thank you for all the times you have put him up, etc. I think the guy is an air head. When the dog gets out he simply puts him back up and doesn't repair the hole, so DUH, he thinks he won't get out again?? They feed and water the dog and that's it. They never played with him or had anything to do with him otherwise.
So yesterday I had gone to the grocery and when I came home there was a car pulled part way off the road in my yard and the dog was laying in my yard. The guy that owns the dog came and picked him up and carried him off. He put him in the car and left with him. I expect he had him put to sleep. The car pulled off was the one that had hit him. I saw some blood on my driveway. Poor dog. I blame the owner totally. He is too lazy to take care of the dog. He won't even mow his lawn or pick up any of that junk in his yard. People like that do not need animals. They have another dog outside but it has never gotten out. They have an inside dog and 2 cats inside. I think they take better care of the inside animals. Three times they have emptied their litter box in the guys yard right in front of them. He told me about this but he said he hated to say anything to them. They do this because they are too lazy to take it out back, which is farther, and too sorry to put it in the trash where it belongs. Makes me angry just thinking about it. I don't understand people like that. You hate to say things and make enemies of them, but then again they need to be told! Aarrghhhh!!! Okay, I feel better. I got that off my chest.
Last Friday I went to Owenton, KY to see my SIL's mother who is in a nursing home there. I have been wanting to see her for a long time and it had been about 4 years since I saw her last. It was a nice drive and very pretty with the lovely trees in all their fall colors. I also got to stop at my brother's house and I hadn't been there in a long time either. Then I stopped in Lexington and ate at Applebee's before driving on home.
Today I plan to wash my window curtains, so I better get busy!