Another whole week has passed and no post until now. Golly gee whiz. How the time does get by these days. And to think that Thanksgiving is this week and then Christmas right around the corner, and then a new year!
Thanks for your concern with the raccoons. I would never let them in my house! I know how damaging they can be. The guy that manages the boat club below us said that some got on someone's houseboat and you could not believe the damage they did. Can you imagine?? He said they got in through a screened window. I know they are crafty at opening things. I'd say that houseboat had to be redone totally inside after that ordeal. You think a boat parked out on the water would be safe but that's not so. Not only do human thieves break and enter but the raccoons too, if they get a chance!
I got my car back this week. It came with a real nice surprise. I picked it up right at closing time on Thursday. I didn't look it over or anything, just drove off. I went to a nearby Arby's and pulled into the parking lot and got out and looked it over then. It looks greats to me! One thing they did, that I didn't expect, is they cleaned the inside of my car for me once all the body work was done. That was a nice plus, but not the real nice surprise.
I noticed a package laying in the floorboard of the passenger seat, and it had some papers laying on top of it which I had left in the car. I wondered what it was and picked it up. It had written on the side, "Found behind the driver's quarter panel." I opened it up and inside was the brand new owner's manuel, the cigarette lighter (which was missing when I bought this car), and two (never been opened) keyless entry thingies, or buttons, or whatever you call them, but you know what I mean!
I thought to myself that surely these could not be for my car?? If they were, the batteries were probably dead by now (the car is a 2003), but I tried the buttons and they worked!! I tell you I was so happy!! I love keyless entry and this was a feature I always wished my car had. All this time it has had it and I never knew it. Obviously the dealership I got it from did not know it either. When I got the car I noticed it was missing the lighter, and he said they could probably find me one if I wanted them to. I told him it was no big deal since I don't smoke anyway.
Who would buy a new car and not want to use the keyless entry? I can understand the lighter thing, since they might have wanted to plug in their phone there. I called the body shop back and asked where the quarter panel was. He said the package was behind the back wheel covering under the mat on the driver's side. I had never looked under the mat in my trunk since I had no reason to. I assume there is a spare tire under there but I've never looked. I never saw any lumps under the mat on the sides, so that package was well hidden. That was my real nice surprise; keyless entry!! I did the dance of joy! I was just that happy!! I get hit in the rear and something positive comes from it! Yippee!!